11-year old college grad says videogames are "a waste of time"

Your are right Storm about having a childhood, and etc. Not everybody is not like him. And you r right about no chicks(WHY!!!:cryin:) no parties, NOTHING! Who could possibly(besides the kid) could survive without them! To me it's all good! So what happen to that Kid anyway. Did he went somewhere or what?
Idk... But I really see it as sad. And how the authorities should see it as the worst kind of torture, bc those who took care of him deprived him of his childhood
LoL, I found the whole thing very funny, their's nothing wrong with anything as long as it dosen't hurt anybody...

As for 'wasting time', well that's a matter of opinion. Tryin' to help humanity may be a waste of time for some people!! LoL

I mean seriously video games have been everyone's life. I'm been playing since I was 4 or 5. Video games are definetly something that keeps me busy.... The kid-adult thing is 11 and he graduated from college? He's a nerd.... all he will do is study.... Like what Storm said what has the world come to?!?
Your are right Storm about having a childhood, and etc. Not everybody is not like him. And you r right about no chicks(WHY!!!:cryin:) no parties, NOTHING! Who could possibly(besides the kid) could survive without them! To me it's all good! So what happen to that Kid anyway. Did he went somewhere or what?
I vote this for post of the year.

Note the commentary that he interjects into his own piece of writing, no doubt to avoid tainting the rest of the post with subjectivity; the use of et cetera in his first sentence after providing only one example; the double negative (presumably for extra emphasis) in the second sentence; the way that he occasionally and randomly puts the same word twice (although he tried to trick us with his first sentence, "Your [sic] are"); the emotion that he shows, both through smiley faces and CAPITALIZATION; the respect he shows the Kid by capitalizing "Kid" in the second-to-last sentence; and then, to top it all off, he blows your mind with the staggeringly insightful, "Did he went somewhere or what?" irregardless of the fact that the child's future endeavors (or movements(?)) were nowhere mentioned in the article. This boy—no, this man—is not afraid to stand up and ask the tough questions in the face of logic.

All who disagree, propose opposition. All who agree, say I.
Need I inform you that you're crapping on an eleven year old? Let the kid do what he wants. I'm sure old people share the same opinion. Go talk to one of those, they could use the company.
"And he thinks movies are a waste of time aswell."

Me: "Off with his head!"
I vote this for post of the year.

Note the commentary that he interjects into his own piece of writing, no doubt to avoid tainting the rest of the post with subjectivity; the use of et cetera in his first sentence after providing only one example; the double negative (presumably for extra emphasis) in the second sentence; the way that he occasionally and randomly puts the same word twice (although he tried to trick us with his first sentence, "Your [sic] are"); the emotion that he shows, both through smiley faces and CAPITALIZATION; the respect he shows the Kid by capitalizing "Kid" in the second-to-last sentence; and then, to top it all off, he blows your mind with the staggeringly insightful, "Did he went somewhere or what?" irregardless of the fact that the child's future endeavors (or movements(?)) were nowhere mentioned in the article. This boy—no, this man—is not afraid to stand up and ask the tough questions in the face of logic.

All who disagree, propose opposition. All who agree, say I.

LMFAO! Why are you so mean?
An 11 year old who has graduated college clearly has no free time, especially given his other listed endevours. Of course he will think video games are a waste of time, he would rather be studying something he considers meaningful and that will help him in his chosen career.

Video games are a leisure activity that should be enjoyed by those who can afford to , yes, waste some time. Not siomething that takes time out of the day when you should be doing your job, homework, chores, etc.

I bet part of it is also overbearing parents who have imposed their own standards upon him from birth.

Win post of the thread.

Leisurely and fun activities, when compared with another activity that actually has some kind of merit or profit (say, a job?), are indeed a waste of time. Video games are a waste of time, simply put.

... But a very, very fun waste of time at that. :D

Graduating at eleven, though... a child prodigy, really. Must have a very high IQ to learn so much so fast.

Honestly, I feel sorry for him, because not only has he missed out on all of his childhood experiences, but he has missed out on all teenage life and possibly messed up his entire future. Think about it, he has no experiences to fall back on, no childhood memories, will most likely never get a date because he has lost the oppurtunity to make any childhood friends and connect with people.

I also have to agree with this part of Storm's post. Being young without being a child (you know what I mean) is a waste of that time in life. Being an annoying and hyperactive kid doesn't happen long in one's life, it needs to be cherised while that time can be. It seems like this kid didn't experience such a state in life for very long, if at all. No doubt it's the parents' fault for this.
hes smart guy smart guy smart guy
who cares what he says or why he said it
if he played video games maybe he wouldnt have done as well as he did
video games are a waste of time but its a profitable industry
video games dont have to be a waste of time though. im sure they can design games to be a lot more productive.
That woman would destroy all video games & all movies that she don't like.( which is anything not to do with lifetime.) I bet she helped raise the kid early on (since she vanished for about 4 years back lets see, when the 11 year old would have been around 2 till he was 6.) either that or she corrupted the parents minds long time ago.

All fun aside(maybe?) the kid is entitaled to his own opinion. If he never get's to play video games then he missed out some fun & entertaining things.
We should all pity the poor poor soul of a human who will never play games & learn to live a little, or maybe send him video games to try to help him live.

And yes I hate my Grandmother with a pashion, just ask Shadow*91 about her.
You know not everyone is perfect. Why are correcting me and why are you doing this? Are trying to offend me! What are you trying to say to me ,Mr. Levesquelsking? I do not like people who trys to offend me you know! So... are you or are you NOT trying to offend me? ANSWER MY QUESTION NOW!!!!!

If not, I am sorry I got mad. I'm just hot temper.