Can you touch type?

Yes. Once you have used a computer regularly for about a year or two it becomes second nature.
This is a garbage question, considering the fact that I didn't know what 'touch type' meant until you explained it to me that time.
Touch typing's old news.

Telekinesis typing is the way to go.
Touch type as in with a 'Touch' screen? Like that of an iPod Touch?

If so, then yes. Quite fast at it as well. Typing in those websites into the Safari browser got me practice.
ARav989 said:
Touch type as in with a 'Touch' screen? Like that of an iPod Touch?

If so, then yes. Quite fast at it as well. Typing in those websites into the Safari browser got me practice.
No, that isn't touch typing
Is touch type when you just center your hands over the "home row" or whatever and just type without looking? Because, if so, then yes, I've touched type since I had a class over it in 4th grade.
Oh I get it, Typing without looking at the keyboard? Ya, of course. It isn't that hard. Lmao, all the chats with Steph during the summer taught me how because I had to try and keep up with her...Still don't think I can though.
I still can't do the number pad, though. Would be really helpful, actually. I'll get around to learning it sometime.
Number pad sucks. All I do is keep guessing and deleting until I get it right. I'm just too lazy to look down.
I can't! As you all know.

I've only seen about one person touch type, and that's the Asian girl in my IT class.

Jack, what the heck were you doing with a computer so young? D: