
you get your wish but then sony buys nintendo and you are forced to make half assed games that are only pretty to look at.

i wish i had the worlds fastest, coolest computer
Mitch2025 said:
i didnt say i wish my wish would never end. i said i wish my wishes would never end BADLY! as in, they wouldnt be corrupt.

I know... and I gave you your wish... your wishes can't end badly if it don't end :)

You get the fastest, coolest computer in the world, sadly the genie misunderstood your wish and when your touch the computer you get frost burn so bad your fingers fall off.

I wish for additional wishes...
you wish for additional wishes causing the genie to never leave. The genie realizes that and doens't want to be around for a long time so it kills you.
I wish I had my girlfriend back. I miss her:( :(
She comes back, causing u to become happy again and do well at ur job. U make a bad deal and u lose all ur money and ur gf leaves u becuz she only liked u for ur money leaving u greatly depressed causing u to commit suicide.
(didn't mean to be harsh about ur gf, just trying to make it seem bad:tard: )

I wish I created a species of laser monkeys which I tried to conquer the universe w/.
but then the laser monkeys somehow conquered th euniverse and blew you up for revenge of their slavery.

i wish that everyone liked nintendo
Diomedes said:
i wish that everyone liked nintendo
Then Nintendo gets sued because thousands of Elderly people break bones whilst trying to play Warioware Smooth Moves...

I wish I had the ability to see into the future...
U saw in the future u turned evil and killed ur family and died by the ghosts of ur family coming back and killing u for revenge. So instead u just suicided:tard: Problem Solved.

I wish PS/Xbox fanboys were'nt total dumasses.
The PS/Xbox fanboys suddenly become so erodite that they use there tricky mind logic to everyone to by a PS2/Xbox and destroy all your nintendo stuff. This causes Nintendo to go bankrupt, and we then live in a world full of Halo sequeals without any cool nintendo games.

I wish the American pronunciation of the word oregano didn't bug me so much...
the american pronunciation of the word oregano doesnt bug u so much but the letter E makes u go crazy and die.

i wish for 3 regular non magical cooked eggs. ( im really hungry right now)
You Get Your Eggs But instead Of Yolk Its Little Homing Knives/ Bomb Thing That Slices Into Your Head And Then Blows Your Head Off And Then You Go To Hell And Find Out That Satan Sucks....oooooooooooooooooo
crazymonkey360 said:
You Get Your Eggs But instead Of Yolk Its Little Homing Knives/ Bomb Thing That Slices Into Your Head And Then Blows Your Head Off And Then You Go To Hell And Find Out That Satan Sucks....oooooooooooooooooo
I'm pretty sure he said normal eggs...(no way, satan sucks? that's impossible<<<sarcasm, duh)

I'll continue, I wish PS and Xbox burned out(died)but all their games(that were good)went to the wii.
the games went to the wii but it turned them down because xcube and gaystation are stupid.

i wish i has a playstation and xbox
u get them, but their crap quality blows them up while they were in your hands, you die.

i wish FFXIII was on wii
FFXIII will be on wii and it get rewied as a greatest game on earth allso all of your friends love it though every time you try to play copy or even watch or read any material about FFXIII it causes a fatal error in any possible system destroying components totaly. Later on you notice only game you can play is Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon.

I wish for world peace.
Your world peace becomes realized, yet other worlds (such as Jesusland and Ursa Minor Beta) see this as a chance to attack, and catch earth completely by surprise, destroying it and it's puppies

I wish that Roseanne was on non-stop on television