
You get your wish... however Aliens from Jesusland and Ursa Minor Beta come to attack your town. They tried to interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to warn you, but sadly Roseanne was on non stop.

I wish I had a magic eight ball.
U get one, but then u shake it and it says u will die. So u seclude urself from all life and nvr see ur family, girlfriend or friends ever again all for not, since magic eight balls r shams.

I wish I had a pool table
ssbb_lover said:
U get one, but then u shake it and it says u will die. So u seclude urself from all life and nvr see ur family, girlfriend or friends ever again all for not, since magic eight balls r shams.

I wish I had a pool table
You get a pool table, but you cannot find any pool balls, pool cues or triangle. Every place you go to seems to have mysteriously run out of these items. In frustration you sell the pool table on ebay and decide to buy Mario's cap...

I wish I could make anyone laugh by pulling my finger...
Everyone starts laughing at u when u do it, but then it becomes a habit and every time u pull ur finger everyone laughs and u get so sick of it u cut off ur fingers.

I wish I was a tennis pro...
That's not how u play Haku, but okay i'll answer ur thing anyway...

U get the abilities but u untap the 8 spirit gates inside of u and u accidentally kill urself by killing the school bully using the "Ultimate Lotus".

I wish Pokemon were real...
Be more creative, and after u "Corrupt" someone u space down and say, "I wish..."

Now i'll continue again, I wish I could live so long I played the next 60 consoles that will come out.

Now u "Corrupt" me and say, "I wish..." Got it?
you live so long to the point where so many consoles come out, you don't know which one to play, or which one too buy, and go mad trying to decide.
Bunnizilla hops off to devour evrything that holds no value to you. A week later, after devouring the contents of several mine fields and armouries Bunnizilla comes hopping home. Hop, hop, hop, bang. The resulting explosion takes out you, your house, and your neigberhood.

I wish we could combine the magic eightball I wished for with the pool table ssbb_lover wished for so that we could play a rudementry form of pool.
Leviathan said:
Bunnizilla hops off to devour evrything that holds no value to you. A week later, after devouring the contents of several mine fields and armouries Bunnizilla comes hopping home. Hop, hop, hop, bang. The resulting explosion takes out you, your house, and your neigberhood.

I wish we could combine the magic eightball I wished for with the pool table ssbb_lover wished for so that we could play a rudementry form of pool.
You do and everytime you take a shot the 8 ball bounces back out of the pocket because it's too big and stares at you while it says "maybe later". Due to this, the game never ends and you never get to find out how good the Wii is, because you're stuck in an eternal pool game. (kinda creepy).

I wish I could travel through time...
You did travel through time but you accidently stopped the time and went backwards 2006 years from today and you will never expirence the Nintendo Wii ever!

I wish that my arm was Strechie :D
your arm get strechie but then someday you strech it soo far that its snaps, no hands for playing the wii :p

i wish that all the video game characters were real
All video characters become real, but they're so overwhemlingly powerful that they kill everyone and become the tyrants of the universe...w/ ganon as their leader*gasps*

I wish everyone liked videogames:)