Error 51420...

Darkside7000 said:
Whats a screen dump? lol?

basically, just typing or pasting the info from your command prompt

you could simply press ALT+PrintScreen to copy the image and paste the image into clipboard, then open "paint" then load it onto a free picture hosting site like photobucket and then link that image to this site.

click on start>run then press enter.
in the run dialogue box, type cmd press enter again to
access the command prompt.

at the command prompt, type ipconfig /all and once again
hit the "enter" key.

all of your IP details will now be shown.
ciper said:
Fr3344ll is very patient. Carry on

LOL @ cyper:yesnod:

yeah, it's something i've grown comfortable with!!

i have a 6 year old son.

any parent will attest that patience is something you develop, y'know
when you get the "but why" to every answer you give to a child?

but, i see what you mean, if the OP looked back up the thread, how to
get IP information is already mentioned.