For those who have completed Zelda...

naschbac said:
The water temple took me the longest to sort out, but I didn't think any of the dungeons were that hard.

I wandered around the snowpeak ruins for a while stuck, but felt like an idiot when I figured it out, because what I needed to do was right in front of my face.

Overall the hardest part of the game was finding all the Poe souls. It's bad enough that you don't have control over making it light and dark, but then they go and hide a few in some very conspicuous places.

The Temple of Time was the most fun in my opinion. Nice mix of enemies, though the puzzles weren't very tough at all.

The Sky Palace was the most infuriating. It's the only one I had to leave a chest behind in because I couldn't figure out how to get to it. It must not have been that important though because I still ended up with all the heart pieces.

I completed everything, all bugs, all lures, all extra items, all Poe's, all side-quests, and beat the game in under 65 hours, and I DEFINITELY wasn't trying to do anything quickly. I farted around fishing and playing that silly Rollgoal game for hours.

Then ending was weird, the Zant cracking his neck thing, and killing Ganondorf confused me, but I'm sure some expansion pak or sequel will answer it eventually.

Overall the game was entertaining, though I often felt like I was playing an Ocarina of Time remake... that wasn't as good as the original.

More swords, more shields, more armor. That's what I'd like to see, and I'd like some of them to come from completing odd side quests. Big Goron Sword anyone?
i agree:thumbsup: and i wanted the biggorons sword too its not big goron
I concure, the Biggoron sword needed to be in the game, if not to be in the Goron quest, then just to use,

Midna+Zelda=HOT but Midna+ Me=EVEN HOTTER!!! took me 55 hrs. to beat this game, is that normal, did it take anyone else this long to beat it, i feel my nerd powers slipping away......
I was at 52, so don't feel bad. Without walkthroughs, I've heard that 60 hours isn't uncommon. I only used guides for maybe 2 or 3 spots/puzzles I simply could not figure out in a reasonable amount of time.
I only had two hard parts. One in the Water Temple and the other was in the Sky Palace both times I just sat there for a while(about 30 mins) until I figured it out. My completion was around 35 but I did very little of the side quests.