HELP! Gamecube Memory Card stuck in Wii

Spiraea said:
Normally I wouldn't either but I've had this card since I got my Cube years ago with no problems at all. The card works fine in the Wii also, it just won't come out. :mad2:

It obvisouly doesn't work fine with the Wii if you can't take it out.
This may sound stupid but is it damp? perhaps its got sticky from condensation etc? I doubt it as the friction it wouldnt be as powerful as your muscles, but its the only thing i can think of. Unless the slot is a bit 'wonky' and its gone in at an odd angle?
How pull your GC Memory Card out of your Wii.

After reading this thread, I ran downstairs... looked through the boxes in my basement and got myself my old wavebird controller and my Mad Catz memory stick.

I put it in and tried to pull it out... it got stuck. :mad5:

So, I stuck it back in and pulled it out swiftly while squeezing it and there you have it, all you have to do to get your memory card out is pull it out fast or try squeezing it (the sides that have the logos and writing on them) and push it towards the Wii and them slide it upwards (I have my Wii vertical by the way) so if this doesn't work, I'm sorry but I tried everything I could to simulate what you have done.

Good luck with it. :p
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Let me know when you hear from Nintendo. I'm curious to see what they say about something like this.
WiiLink said:
Let me know when you hear from Nintendo. I'm curious to see what they say about something like this.

They probably would say "Sorry charlie, we don't support third party products; you use third party hardware at your own risk."
He/She may be trying it right now as we speak, anyways, we should hear from him/her soon...

I also would like to hear what Nintendo would say about this, let us know about their response...