I'm back and WOW!


Wii launch Owner
Nov 28, 2006
BC (go nucks and lions)
I havnt gone on this for a couple months now and when i came back i was astounded by how larger the site has become. The "home" is now the "forum index" and we have a user cp now. I also noticed that people who had 200+ posts last time i went on have like 1000+ now! good job fellers on makin this site so popular!
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I think he means 100 added to their post counts when he last saw them. :thumbsup: Welcome back anyway.
From what I remember, you were alright. Didn't really know you were gone tbh...

Welcome back though.

LOL, just noticed you missed out on a LOT of wiichat drama lol. You missed the starting of rep too.... here's a link that should catch ya up on it.
ah yes as "the world turns" type drama- dont worry though, it wasnt anyone you probably knew of anyways. just stupid kids causing stupid problems that are just stupid (yes, i overused the word stupid because it was just that "stupid" lol)

welcome back. wiichat missed you :)
Yo, Whassup Elmo?

You Didn't Miss Much Cept, What Brawny Said, The "Reputation" Era...