Is Starfox 64 worth the purchase?

That shot is not better than the VC. It's considerably worse. Perhaps the higher resolution of a pc exposes the weakness of the games visuals too much.
Sorry, where is that screenshot taken from then? I just assumed that was taken from a PC monitor.
Hard to say if you have played it on the N64 then you may be nored of it but for a first time player go for it, its a great game.
It was a good game while it lasted.

Just keep in mind that you will probably beat it in one day. It does have considerable replay value, however.
Starfox 64 is a great game. If you like flying around, doing barrel rolls, shooting at other aircraft, then you'll like Starfox 64. I remember waiting in line for that game at Toys 'R' Us. It came with the Rumble pak, which definitely enhanced game play.