Lost Season 4

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  • #271
Like your view...I agree with it in some parts. I did read, before Season 3 began...that the writters had been making (Oh...crap...) Nevermind that's Pirates of the Carabian Movies...the writters for those movies had made it up as it went along....It could be the case for Lost...but doubtful. I'm sure the writers have had an idea from Season 1 what the show was entirely about, know whether that idea has changed since then or not we don't know. But does an of this really matter anyway? Were talking about the show, doesn't really matter how the writters write, just as long as they keep doing a good job at it.
The writers addressed this and said, they knew the WHOLE sotry before the show really took off anyway. these guys know what they're doin'.
TransAm317 said:
Season 2: Then i think that they just make it that since the people are on the island, that they are there for a reason. That is why they make the Dharma Initiative. I think that is when they make the buildings and added their own survivor Desmond who landed on the island earlier. We still havent found out what Dharma is except that they wanted to research some babies and their mothers.

It's more than that though. Dharma was wiped out by the Others, who were apparently on the island before Dharma got there (or can at least come and go). Most of the Dharma stations were taken over by them. The research into babies appears to be related to the fact that women who conceive on the island die in childbirth. This doesn't seem to be their main purpose though.
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  • #275
TransAm317 said:
I would like to know where they said this
I remember reading this too...sorry man but it's true...shows too complicated to be made up as they go along
Skippy said:
It's more than that though. Dharma was wiped out by the Others, who were apparently on the island before Dharma got there (or can at least come and go). Most of the Dharma stations were taken over by them. The research into babies appears to be related to the fact that women who conceive on the island die in childbirth. This doesn't seem to be their main purpose though.
Im pretty sure that the others ran Dharma, but correct me if im wrong and Since when did the Others take over they were already in the stations when the survivors landed on the island.
TransAm317 said:
Im pretty sure that the others ran Dharma, but correct me if im wrong and Since when did the Others take over they were already in the stations when the survivors landed on the island.

It was part of a Ben flashback. He was brought to the island by his dad who got a job with Dharma. Ben was contacted by the Others who were not part of Dharma. Later Ben and the Others killed everyone with poison gas and Ben basically became their leader. And prior to that there were attacks against Dharma by the Others too. They then moved into the Dharma facilities, although in at least one case (the Swan station with Kelvin) it was left alone. Kelvin was part of Dharma and Desmond ended up there too and they were untouched by the Others.

This was all before the plane crash.
Marioman said:
Sorry but the last one does prove my point...Shanon saw Walt...which was not actually Walt...it was an Illusion...we find later that Walt is still alive...proving my point :)
what about when Eko saw Yemi? all those visions are because of the smoke monster, it manifests into something from your past.
The smoke thing is metallic, whenever it appears it makes really loud grounding noises, like a big... something lol
CocoSSBB said:
The episode on Thursday made me realise Ben was mentally unstable.

Other than that it was pretty pointless from what I saw.
We have know he is mentally duranged since he went to the cabin and talked to the guy in the chair(who ben and now locke can see)

We might of also seen now that mabe the people that are on the boat are trying to stop ben from killing everyone like he did when he was a kid. Mabe the people on the boat are the good guys. Even thought Ben said that the people on the boat want to open the island for like an amusement park, he might just be lieing. It wouldnt be the first time Ben (if that is his real name) lied.

I think in a later episode, Juliet is going to have a flsh back and she is going to fall in love with Ben. She oviously still likes him or else she wouldnt keep running away from Jack and the survivors to help him accomplish his tasks.
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^Why would she make out with Jack then....hum dee dum dee...I don't think she ever feel in love with Ben...and she never will...but Ben will allways try and mess up any realation ship she tries to get into while she's still "his". I think this episode shows, and I read this on IGN too, that this is really the first weakness we see in Ben. His love for Juliet. This potentially could lead to him making the biggest mistake of his life.
TransAm317 Ben couldn't see the guy in the cabin. Only Locke could see him and hear him. Cuz Locke started to leave (in that episode) the cabin when he heard someone talk. He asked Ben if it was him, wasn't, Ben got all jealous and kept asking Locke what he had heard. Finally he shoots him because the Island like Locke more than Ben.

Least that is my take on it.
Marioman said:
^Why would she make out with Jack then....hum dee dum dee...I don't think she ever feel in love with Ben...and she never will...but Ben will allways try and mess up any realation ship she tries to get into while she's still "his". I think this episode shows, and I read this on IGN too, that this is really the first weakness we see in Ben. His love for Juliet. This potentially could lead to him making the biggest mistake of his life.

getting married? :lol: