Lost Season 4

Napalmbrain said:
Some people are understandably confused, but here's the explanation: Sun's off-island scenes were in the future, but Jin's scenes were in the past. Hence why Jin says he's only been married for two months, and how he can be dead in Sun's last scene. The guy in the store says it's the year of the dragon, and according to Wikipedia the last year of the dragon was 2000/2001.
So, therefore, the island must have split them up between times, sticking Jin in the past and Sun in the future.
CocoSSBB said:
So, therefore, the island must have split them up between times, sticking Jin in the past and Sun in the future.

Uhh..no... it was simply a case where we got a flashforward for Sun and a flashback for Jin. None of that involves time travel or getting stuck in the past or future. Desmond was the only one having weird time issues.
Just watched it last night. Damn that was weird! I kinda picked up on the Jin's flash-back, Sun's flash-forward though, nice move.

So we have 5 confirmed of the Oceanic 6. Jin might be the 6th but it depends if he dies on the island or back home, the latter making him the 6th. I think he dies on the island, leaving the 6th spot vacant, but who is it? It could turn out to be Michael maybe? Who knows.
Lewi T said:
So we have 5 confirmed of the Oceanic 6. Jin might be the 6th but it depends if he dies on the island or back home, the latter making him the 6th. I think he dies on the island, leaving the 6th spot vacant, but who is it? It could turn out to be Michael maybe? Who knows.

Jin's date of death on his tombstone was the date of the crash - so apparently their cover story is that he died in the crash rather than making it off the island and then dying later.
Lewi T said:
Just watched it last night. Damn that was weird! I kinda picked up on the Jin's flash-back, Sun's flash-forward though, nice move.

So we have 5 confirmed of the Oceanic 6. Jin might be the 6th but it depends if he dies on the island or back home, the latter making him the 6th. I think he dies on the island, leaving the 6th spot vacant, but who is it? It could turn out to be Michael maybe? Who knows.


-Aaron: we know he gets off the island, but is he counted as one of the Oceanic Six?
-Michael: already on the freighter.
-Walt: who knows where he is?


-Desmond: wants to go home, already on the freighter, but not on Oceanic 815, so may not be counted as one of the Six.
-Juliet: wants to go home, but again, not on 815.
-Claire: Desmond said he saw a vision of her getting on a helicopter, but why would Kate be raising Aaron?

-Locle: doesn't want to leave.
-Sawyer: doesn't want to leave.
-Jin: the public thinks he died in the crash.
-Ben: seen off the island in the future, but not on 815 and probably wouldn't want to attract attention to himself like that.

Personally I think the last member is Aaron. Here's what I think will happen:

Hurley, Claire and Aaron will leave Locke's group. Frank will make one or two more "runs" to pick up Jack, Kate, Sun, Hurley, Claire and Aaron, but before he rescue any more survivors the freighter leaves the Island for some reason, and Claire will die, leaving Aaron under Kate's care.
Skippy said:
Jin's date of death on his tombstone was the date of the crash - so apparently their cover story is that he died in the crash rather than making it off the island and then dying later.
Ahh I didn't catch that, nice one. I wonder how he dies then!

Napalmbrain said:

-Aaron: we know he gets off the island, but is he counted as one of the Oceanic Six?
-Michael: already on the freighter.
-Walt: who knows where he is?
Yeah I've been wondering if Aaron might be included, I guess it depends if he is 'publicised' upon their return or not. I think it could be Michael to like, make a good story, as it would be interesting to see how he becomes a 'survivor' since he is currently betraying the freighter people and those involved with it. And I guess Walt is a possibility in everything!


-Desmond: wants to go home, already on the freighter, but not on Oceanic 815, so may not be counted as one of the Six.
-Juliet: wants to go home, but again, not on 815.
-Claire: Desmond said he saw a vision of her getting on a helicopter, but why would Kate be raising Aaron?
It can't be Desmond or Juliet as they weren't originally on Oceanic 815, so they couldn't be classed as one of the Oceanic 6. If any of them make it off, I don't think they will be in the spotlight, they'll just remain an ordinary person.

-Locle: doesn't want to leave.
-Sawyer: doesn't want to leave.
-Jin: the public thinks he died in the crash.
-Ben: seen off the island in the future, but not on 815 and probably wouldn't want to attract attention to himself like that.
The thought of Locke being the 6th has been playing on my mind. As with Michael, it could be a very good storyline to see how that comes about. I agree with it not being Jin after Skippy cleared up his supposed date of death. Again though, like Desmond and Juliet, Ben couldn't be one of the Oceanic 6. Plus he's a wanted man so his means of returning from the island will be rather secretive, I think.

Personally I think the last member is Aaron. Here's what I think will happen:

Hurley, Claire and Aaron will leave Locke's group. Frank will make one or two more "runs" to pick up Jack, Kate, Sun, Hurley, Claire and Aaron, but before he rescue any more survivors the freighter leaves the Island for some reason, and Claire will die, leaving Aaron under Kate's care.
A very possible story! I'm curious to know how Claire will die/get left behind and therefore give Aaron to Kate, but I think something along those lines is what we can expect to happen, just with a whole load of drama along the way!
maybe jin didn't die, but sun just misses him and knows she'll never see him.
with aaron, maybe kate kidnapped him cuz her baby died, or maybe claire gave him to kate to take off the island.
jaxonyz813 said:
It showed her at Jin's grave..........therefore he died

The date on the grave is the day of the crash, so presumably the public believes he died in it. It's entirely possible that the Oceanic Six claimed he died in the crash as part of their cover story, and that he could still be alive on the Island. On the other hand, Lost kills its characters off at a quite high rate, and with nothing much to do story-wise Jin is practically cannon fodder.
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Well Lost is on again tonight, and from what I've heard, after this episode they wil take a 2-3 week break then show the remaining episodes in April...oh well....

Any speculation for tonight? I think will see walt tonight and I'm guess the person that will die will be Clair or Jin...Either/or
Marioman said:
Well Lost is on again tonight, and from what I've heard, after this episode they wil take a 2-3 week break then show the remaining episodes in April...oh well....

Any speculation for tonight? I think will see walt tonight and I'm guess the person that will die will be Clair or Jin...Either/or

And just think, if the writers strike had gone on much longer, this would be the season finale! Yikes! But yeah, we'll be getting 5 more episodes beginning at the end of April.

Tonight we should find out what happened to Michael after he and Walt left the island and how he came to be on the freighter.

Just a guess, but I think the death will be a minor character.
they're just doing what they did last season, the first 5-6 episodes we're gonna be like WTF?!?! but after this break stuff is going to get more fluid.
I think the death is probably going to be some useless minor character. My money's on either Karl, Alex, or the Captain.

By the way, this mid-season break couldn't be helped due to the writer's strike. But at least it's only a month delay.