Mario kart or SSBB

ZeLdA4LiFe said:
cause mario kart wii isnt really as exciting as brawl. mario kart, all you gotta do is race & win. but in brawl, you get to fight your opponent, use items, final smash attacks......its jus way better than mario kart wii........but hey, dont get me wrong, im still getting both, but im lookin forward to brawl more than mario kart

In MK u can use items and battle.
I think what zelda4life was trying to get at George is that Brawl is just a more exciting game and for most people it usually is, but nobody can really tell which will have the most success untill they are released.
smash bros is amazing when you play it... it is so original and very well done

mario kart is also amazing but for me mario kart got old pretty fast so i am way more siked for brawl cuz it is ganna own and hopefully help make the wii
Marioman said:
Brawl will have destroyed both Galaxy and Mario Kart in sales before the end of 2008...maybe not at first, but once it gets circulated around that this is the best game every created by Nintendo...that's when the sales will sky rocket...exactly what happened when melee came out. At first some people were excited to get the game and it had an average release when it came out, but then more people found out about it's greatness and it sold like crazy...I mean it had a $50 price tag for over three years...that's pretty damn amazing IMO

I dont agree for the following reason:

The super smash bros series are pretty hectic. You need to be somewhat of a hard-core game to be good at it or even understand whats going on. With the mario series you just have to run around and know the controls. I think mario is easier to play for a lot of people. I can prove it as well:

I go on holiday weekend with a big family every year. Now a game like mario appeals to almost everyone. When they walk in and see us playing mario they went: Oh nice and can we try this ?
But in the evenings when we had a few beers and started beating each other up ( melee ) than everyone was like: Oh thats hectic! I dont even understand it looking at it!

Another point is that my cousin will probably buy a Wii, just for galaxy!

cause mario kart wii isnt really as exciting as brawl. mario kart, all you gotta do is race & win. but in brawl, you get to fight your opponent, use items, final smash attacks......its jus way better than mario kart wii........but hey, dont get me wrong, im still getting both, but im lookin forward to brawl more than mario kart

Now thats not really fair what you've done. Allow me to rephrase that sentence to show what you did:
cause Super Smash brothers Brawl isnt really as exciting as Mario Kart. In Brawl, all you gotta do is Fight & win. but in Mario Kart, you get to race your opponent, use items, shortcuts......its jus way better than Brawl.........but hey, dont get me wrong, im still getting both, but im lookin forward to mario kart more than Brawl!

You see? All I did was change the words kart and brawl and its still something thats true. You just named 2 Pro's for mario kart and a lot more for brawl. But theres more to Mario kart than only race and win.

Im excited about both games as well. Just to get that out of the way. I just think Mario Galaxy will sell more ( have a bigger audience ) than Brawl.
Can you tell I'm bored sitting behind my desk by the number of words in this post lol?
cyberzomby said:
I dont agree for the following reason:

The super smash bros series are pretty hectic. You need to be somewhat of a hard-core game to be good at it or even understand whats going on. With the mario series you just have to run around and know the controls. I think mario is easier to play for a lot of people. I can prove it as well:

I go on holiday weekend with a big family every year. Now a game like mario appeals to almost everyone. When they walk in and see us playing mario they went: Oh nice and can we try this ?
But in the evenings when we had a few beers and started beating each other up ( melee ) than everyone was like: Oh thats hectic! I dont even understand it looking at it!

Another point is that my cousin will probably buy a Wii, just for galaxy!

You have a very good point there. The smash games are hard to just pick up and just start playing. You have to have some sort of experience if you acutally want to be good, but I don't think I mentioned in my post anything about difficulty. Mario Kart will be a great game and there are many people looking forward to it, but it isn't like other games. It's one of those games that you want and will get and even causes you some excitement towards when it comes out, but it lacks something that games like Brawl have. It just doesn't have the same type of affect when released even though it is a very popular game. Someone will hear about the new Mario Kart game and say ,"Oh that's cool, a new Mario Kart game, I will have to get that when it is released." I guess what I'm trying to say is that we've become used to the series and what it is about. Brawl to me makes a much greater impact on me and I'm postive many others.

Edit: And btw...those experiences are your own and may not be the same for everyone so try not to expect them to be so.
because the mario kart wii hype hasnt started yet, it is stil all about the brawl
zapasant93 said:
because the mario kart wii hype hasnt started yet, it is stil all about the brawl

I think that is a very good point, I just cant wait for febuary for mario kart to come out.
Marioman said:
Edit: And btw...those experiences are your own and may not be the same for everyone so try not to expect them to be so.

A very good point.

Now about the rest: I wasnt trying to convince point out you talked about brawl and mario kart's difficulty. I was just trying to point out ( and I believe you understood ) that for that reason mario galaxy will sell more.

But I can also agree with youre point: Mario serie's ( or kart for that matter ) are more acustomed. Brawl is getting hyped a lot ( by the fans )

Are there any numbers out yet? Galaxy has been pre-ordered 700000 times in Japan already. I'm waiting for the brawl figures. I guess theres no true way in telling until we know how much each title sold :p

+1 rep for you for the nice dicussion. I remember days when you used a real different tone of voice when you talked about brawl. This is much nicer :p
Haha thanks man rep for you too, if it doesn't count sorry, I think Brawl will sell slow at frist, but then pick up speed. Mario Galaxy will be an instant hit when release I'm sure
IMO, all 3 games will sell a LOT.
I'm buying SSBB and MAYBE Mario Kart. I think SSBB will outsell Mario Kart but I can also be wrong, because Mario Kart is more user-friendly if you know what I mean. Also, the people that got Mario Kart for DS will be more hyped about Mario Kart than for SSBB. But really, both games will be great and everyone should get both!
...So you ask why everyone thinks SSBM is so great and that you don't find it interesting, then you state that you've played SSBM for 10 minutes and Mario Kart for 100's of hours. I'm sensing a little bit of bias there.

As for what will sell more, it should go in this order:

2. Galaxy
3. Mario Kart


- SSBB has a humongous fan base as is, and with the constant weekday updates, it probably brings in thousands every week.

- Out of the 3, who's last title (on the Gamecube) was the biggest? SSBM, by a long shot. Sunshine and Double Dash aren't even close to the quality and reputation of Melee.

- Brawl has (so far) dominated the advertising market.

- The fact that it's a huge multi-player game (and now confirmed online multi-player game) gives it another plus (more so than Kart, IMO, especially since not as much news has come out for it [same with Galaxy]).

- Brawl is closer to Christmas (more chance of selling).

- Mario is a well known name, but it has been failing us the past few years (IMO).
The SSB franchise has been gaining a lot of hype from all different kinds of gamers (and will continue to do so). It also brings all of our favorite Nintendo characters into one game, to see who's the best of the best.

It's true that Brawl appeals to a more specific group than Kart or Galaxy, but Brawl has the overall edge on them. Not to mention that Galaxy's and Brawl's release dates are very close together, and frankly, I think if parents made their kids decide on one or the other for the holidays, they would pick SSBB. For whatever reason ("it's more mature", "it's more cool", "it's what all the older kids are getting", whatever you want to think).

Those are just my thoughts on what I've seen this past year. No doubt they will all be *incredibly* awesome games, but Brawl will surpass them. No doubt in my mind.
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I can agree with youre thoughts there. But I still think Mario has a bigger fanbase. The truth is, mario hasnt got many publicity but I think a lot of people are waiting for galaxy. Becaues sunshine wasnt what they hoped. Galaxy is "hyped" to be like Mario 64. Thats appealing to a lot. I mean, just look at the huge amount of pre orders for galaxy in japan.
If i had to go with one of them i would go with SSBB because of the multiplayer and the replayability admit how long did it take u to unlock Mewtwo ( if u were by ur self) and then play again another whole new mode All Star but when it comes down to it SSBB will probally sale more with the whole not split screen and the co op play in story mode that's an automatic sale for me.