meeting girl for first time!

One word of advice. WHIP IT OUT!!!!!! Put on your 1980's dragnet sunglasses, flip up your collar, slick back the hair...

And while singing along to THIS SONG:

WHIP IT OUT! Giggidy giggidy. lol

EDIT: Wow, did NOT realize how old this post was. Well Anyways the comic value of bad advice still stands!!! =)
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Either he's doing real well or he got dumped and he's really depressed. :/ Haven't seen the kid in forever.
Meh, He has vanished.

Shall we all go find him and on his way to school jump out and say surprise/
En4Neo said:
Bring a gun just incase and meet at a public place so that if it's really some pedo you can scream like a 'lil girl to get immediate help.
best advice ever!
So, didn't he say he was going to her house in florida this summer?
ssbb_lover said:
Either he's doing real well or he got dumped and he's really depressed. :/ Haven't seen the kid in forever.
He's doing well, I spoke to him on MSN the other day. The last thing I expected out of WiiChat was a relationship (a real one - not all that Brawny + TLC crap :)), but I suppose anything can happen. And yes, he's going to hers in the Summer
Wiired said:
He's doing well, I spoke to him on MSN the other day. The last thing I expected out of WiiChat was a relationship (a real one - not all that Brawny + TLC crap :)), but I suppose anything can happen. And yes, he's going to hers in the Summer
Deeaamn, nice Jen-ov-a. Say Hi to the little Playaaa for me. :p
Aww that's so sweet their still together =]

I was only thinking about all this the other day, he hasn't been on in aaaaaaages
surfinrach90 said:
Aww that's so sweet their still together =]

I was only thinking about all this the other day, he hasn't been on in aaaaaaages

You say aww to much:lol:

tis very sweet that wiichat made some luva's
soon the website will need to be renamed to and then again to and then and then and then...

wii_cammy said:
^^^^not really funny

Where's your sense of humour?

It's so true. . .

Marriage kills off any romance:lol:
Wiired said:
Why comment then? :sick:
Also I'll get in touch with Jenova ASAP, to reply to you lot, as soon as I get MSN working.. kid ain't been here in ages..

Sounds good Wiired^
Hope all is well with him.