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Scrup said:
Okay, This is really getting annoying...America didnt plan 9/11, for the last time...Why would they purposely kill thousands of thier own innocnet people, just so Bush can invade Iraq... Just because you saw a small 30 min. documentary on some obscure tv channel about 9/11 conspiracys, doesnt mean you "have reasoning behind it, and have seen the evidence" ... You Muslims are just trying to put the blame on America, instead of other Muslims, who really did it....stop the "False Accusations" and accept the fact that 9/11 wasnt a conspiracy
if an english person did it, would u be blameing every English person? no you wouldn't so shut up. your talking more crap than a cow. so what if a muslim person did it? doesn't mean every muslim person is the same as them.
RPGMasterTurk91 said:
I don't understand the significence in what this means? I'm not sure fi it was sarcastic and going towards the username "God" with two meanings at the same time--actual God. But I forget if Wii Cammy was a basher, peacemeaker, or neutral--so I'm gonna have to check on that to see what he means by this post :p

I didnt mean to say god its just a phrase i use
i think its very disgusting that in this day and age people cant get along

callme.nasty said:
ottoman said:
about 2 or 3 weeks ago a muslim admitted to planning the whole thing. i forget his name, but if you pay attention at all he also admitted to many other terroristic attacks. now this part is my opinion, but i doubt a muslim would've hired a bunch of americans to take down america.

and without trying to take a shot at your religion, i'd like for you to prove to me why the muslim faith is not a false one. As far as i know, Muhammed wrote the koran by himself, with no one else as a wittness.

You see, many, many people believe in God because there is much historical evidence of him being true. Whether it be Jews, Catholics, Christians, whatever, although they may have slightly different beliefs, they believe in the same God, and all of these religions have branched from the Jewish faith of the belief in God. Yet the muslim faith, it just came out of no where.
Not to be rude, but how can you base a faith on the writing of a single person that no one else witnessed?

NOTE: I quoted Ottoman's quote, who quoted "Callme.nasty". The quote up there is by "Callme.nasty", NOT Ottoman.

Here it is! Everything you say is marked my your lack of knoweledge (AKA IGNORANCE)! If you had knoweledge of the truth, you would not have any points to make--as everything you said did not make sense due to the fact that you believed wrongly about Muslims. First of all, Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) did NOT write the Qu'ran. According to Islam, the Qu'ran was sent down by Allah to the Arch Angle Gabriel, who passed it on to the Prophet (PBUH). At the time, Prophet Muhammed was illiterate and through a miracle, was taught to read and write just like that. This is a very misguided belief that Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) WROTE the Qu'ran. If you can say this much about Islam, and you are misguided to this point, what more can you say about Islam that would be correct? Your knoweledge of Islam is not trustworthy and therefore you should not make any more claims or false accusations. If you want to make claims, you should be knoweledgable at first, THEN say as you wish, and question Islam and wonder why things are so.
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Celestial said:
Muslims did 9/11 so I hate them!! ...[/sarcasm]

Kinda worrying that some people do have such basic logistical thoughts like this (as in, if the quote was serious - hence the assumption in the first place of it being serious).

It's also quite refreshing to have a multicultural forum such as this. I found some previous forums that I've belonged to rather dull and one-sided, mostly the other side.
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Celestial said:
Noo!! I didn't mean it! I was just seeing how stupid it sounded, I'm muslim myself..
Ok. Well, whenever I say something like that I try to put [/sarcasm] at the end. Makes it a bit clearer. If you edit your original post to add that, I'll edit my post.

[previous post edited for clarity]

I'll keep this post because I have nothing further to add for comments so far, and cannot delete this post.
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Celestial said:
Muslims did 9/11 so I hate them!! ...

Sorry to say this, but you really ARE a fool. Whether the attacks were done by Muslims or not, why is their religion associated with the crime? If, for example, if a Christian Polish person did it, we would not be bashing Christians for their actions of a select few people. We would not be judging Christianity as a cruel religion, but we would instead attack the nation that was in charge of the attacks. You might be saying that their actions were driven BY their religion, and in our case, the Muslims. But those actions are not done and thought by all Muslims and were driven by extreme views. The media presented to you that it was "the Muslims" who did the crime (and we are disregarding the fact that it might not even have been them and rather a conspiracy by the government). Finally, you cannot judge a religion based on the actions of a select few people, those of who are extremists of that religion in the first place. You must judge a religion based on its teachings. And not the false teachings of Islam your television portrays. Got that?

EDIT- obviously that was written after you claimed sarcasm, although im not sure why anybody would say that about their own....
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Squall7 said:
Ok. Well, whenever I say something like that I try to put [/sarcasm] at the end. Makes it a bit clearer. If you edit your original post to add that, I'll edit my post.

Whether Celestial is Muslim or not, he gave us a good sentence to work with and counter respectively. However, Celestial, you made it difficult to prove whether you are Muslim or not, or someone PRETENDING to be Muslim and acting wrongly in our place. Only until you edited your post and put "sarcasm" on the end was it more believeable--> I placed this sentence here after i saw your edit with the "sarcasm" as well.

Sorry for double post, I had to get back on this...:crazy:

and to avoid a triple post to get back and respond to THIS message...

zeon9881 said:
are you american RPG....are...are you george bush:shifty:

Even if I said I was George Bush, would you believe me? :ciappa:
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Lol I thought this would happen.. didn't know about the [/sarcasm] thing.. personally I don't care if you believe I'm muslim or not, I don't even care if I am.
Squall7 said:
So you're saying that because they broke our law, they should be shot?

They aren't meant to be in our country? Strictly speaking, throughout history, the British empire hasn't done what it's meant to. Colonising and invading other countries for example. Heck, we only just managed to give Hong Kong back around 10 years ago.

Fact of the matter is, is that we refuse to do anything about improving their lives so they don't have to come to the UK. Instead, we go and remove the odd "dictator" from some country that has oil, and try installing a "democracy". How many times in history have either the UK or US taken out a democratically elected leader and placed in a dicatator that happens to be friendly with the US/UK?

And what would happen if they chose a leader that was anti-western? We'd go in and remove them. It's not a democracy we want for them, it's control.

Exactly. Your last paragraph there also sums up why we are "helping" Iraq become a democracy. It's not necessarily for their benefit, as we make it seem to them and our own people, but rather for the benefit of the American government, politicians and what not. This is more of a project in the Middle-East. we wouldn't be making so much effort and spending so much time there just to help this other nation. If they elect an anti-western official, we would go in and remove them, as Squall7 had mentioned so nicely. Oil is what we need from there anyways, and the last thing w need is an anti-American politician. We are taking action there to have things go our way, while the Iraqis think they are just benefiting themselves, but in the meantime, America is benefitting as well from this event.
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Celestial said:
Lol I thought this would happen.. didn't know about the [/sarcasm] thing.. personally I don't care if you believe I'm muslim or not, I don't even care if I am.

Well, if that's the aren't classified as a practicing Muslim and therefore you can go either way with this conversation. In fact, due to this slight dilemma, I still can't tell, if you continue writing on this post, if you will be in support of the Muslim perspectives, against us, or just neutral. :crazy:
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I don't even see the point of this thread, you know you'll be getting posts like "They did 9/11" and stuff.. Why?
Celestial said:
I don't even see the point of this thread, you know you'll be getting posts like "They did 9/11" and stuff.. Why?

The point of this thread is not JUST to see what people believe about Muslims...but I believe that it is my job to not just stand idly by while I HAVE the oppurtunity to educate the people and negate their misbeliefs on my religion. I enjoy educating people on the truth, and when they make such comments, I will respond back with the truth and actual reality of Islam, not what is just presented by the media to their readily listening audiences. As i said earlier, when you turn on your television and see a certain type of people doing a certain crime all the time, these actions are soon accepted as truth and stereotypes easily form. I ask you, why not? Why are you against this post? :shocked:
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