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callme.nasty said:
about 2 or 3 weeks ago a muslim admitted to planning the whole thing. i forget his name, but if you pay attention at all he also admitted to many other terroristic attacks. now this part is my opinion, but i doubt a muslim would've hired a bunch of americans to take down america.
Funny, in the Iranian "hostage crisis", our media accussed Iran of telling our "sailors" what to say. Yet we don't have the same thing here.
Also, were the remains of the "muslim" terrorists found? And were they conclusively found to be Muslims?
I remember reading on the BBC website about how most of the people that the FBI accused of being the boarding terrorists were actually found alive and well in the middle east...

and without trying to take a shot at your religion, i'd like for you to prove to me why the muslim faith is not a false one. As far as i know, Muhammed wrote the koran by himself, with no one else as a wittness.
It's not the buisness of any religion to "prove" ones own religion. It's why it's called a belief rather than a fact.

You see, many, many people believe in God because there is much historical evidence of him being true. Whether it be Jews, Catholics, Christians, whatever, although they may have slightly different beliefs, they believe in the same God, and all of these religions have branched from the Jewish faith of the belief in God. Yet the muslim faith, it just came out of no where.
Actually, it didn't come out of nowhere. Mohammad (sp?) was the main prophet of God, whilst Jesus was another prophet. Basically, Christianity, Judiasm and Islam are all Abrhamic religions.

Not to be rude, but how can you base a faith on the writing of a single person that no one else witnessed?
Noone alive has witnessed Jesus. Noone alive has witnessed Moses parting the red sea. Each religion is soo old, we cannot tell for certain which is right or which is wrong.
ottoman said:
callme.nasty said:
Of course i heard about this, but thats no real evidence. how hard would it be for bush to get this guy from iraq and have him say all this. it wuld take him less than 20 minutes.

yeah i'm real sure one of the highest members in the Al Qaida would've been forced to admitting this by Bush. Terrorists won't submit to Bush's demands, they think he's a joke.
As for your religion, i have yet to hear a response. Not to be mean in any way, but as a Catholic it is my job to not only educate, but convert. Maybe you'll realize you're believing in a false religion. Maybe you haven't studied your religion enough yet with an open mind to see how many holes this whole "story of Muhammed" has.
yea bt america n england have diff rules on imigration, n yea i do kno **** bout my country, im nt gunna kno fuk all bout it am i, i dnt care what ppl think bout me to be honest bt i kno tht all of the stuff im sayin is on evry other TRUE english persons mind

learn to type first of all, if you can voice your opinion, aleast make it coherent!

secondly, even though laws are different universally they ARE the same. the minute ones are interchangeable but the obvious laws are not to be broken

and last but not least, you werent here on 9-11 you arent even an american citizen you werent at ground zero and you didnt whitness those people parish so seriously get the hell outta this thread because i am close to snapping at your severe retardation
wat the hell has me not bein american got to do with it, i jus simply sed we have diff rules on immigration in england, n yea i wasnt ther on 9-11 bt it sure as hell hit me as hard asit hit any1 else in the world, n its still makes me feel physically sik wen i hear about it, n i appologise if anything i said made u think i was refferin to 9-11 but i wasnt
Squall7 said:
Noone alive has witnessed Jesus. Noone alive has witnessed Moses parting the red sea. Each religion is soo old, we cannot tell for certain which is right or which is wrong.

aaaaaandd thats where you went wrong. There are countless accounts of Jesus outside of the Bible. Not only are there many christian writings about Jesus that failed to make the bible, but there are also many Roman and Jewish writing which have accounts of Jesus. And thats the thing, there are many accounts of Jesus by people who are not even of the Catholic faith and do not even believe in him.
Wii_Smurf you are one of those that understand what we have to put up with. Why should I have to understand their culture? They don't care about Jesus why should I care about Aladdin or Ali the Great what ever that guys name is. Speaking of illegals we have a HUGE problem in America with Illegal Mexicans and Cubans. Terrorists are mainly Muslims. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wii_Smurf said:
Squall7, Now:

Idc what they do for us, They could give me £1,000,000 but the fact and the matter is that they aren't meant to be in our country, They are commiting a crime being here and should be shot/shipped off!
So you're saying that because they broke our law, they should be shot?

They aren't meant to be in our country? Strictly speaking, throughout history, the British empire hasn't done what it's meant to. Colonising and invading other countries for example. Heck, we only just managed to give Hong Kong back around 10 years ago.

Fact of the matter is, is that we refuse to do anything about improving their lives so they don't have to come to the UK. Instead, we go and remove the odd "dictator" from some country that has oil, and try installing a "democracy". How many times in history have either the UK or US taken out a democratically elected leader and placed in a dicatator that happens to be friendly with the US/UK?

And what would happen if they chose a leader that was anti-western? We'd go in and remove them. It's not a democracy we want for them, it's control.
blogman54 said:
Wii_Smurf you are one of those that understand what we have to put up with. Why should I have to understand their culture? They don't care about Jesus why should I care about Aladdin or Ali the Great what ever that guys name is. Speaking of illegals we have a HUGE problem in America with Illegal Mexicans and Cubans. Terrorists are mainly Muslims. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

They might mainly be Muslims but not all Muslims are terrorists!
wat the hell has me not bein american got to do with it, i jus simply sed we have diff rules on immigration in england, n yea i wasnt ther on 9-11 bt it sure as hell hit me as hard asit hit any1 else in the world, n its still makes me feel physically sik wen i hear about it, n i appologise if anything i said made u think i was refferin to 9-11 but i wasnt

your views on muslims as collectivly as a whole is what pisses me off and quite frankly so is your ignorance. im begining to realize that im wasting my time in arguing with you because you just simply dont get it.

and not being an american has EVERYTHING to do with it because this type of behavior doesnt happen with the muslims in the US. infact many live here and many are respected. get over your ignorant fear.

thats like how people assume blacks are out to rob and jack you up. get over yourself and realize these are people who live in your land and most if not alot respect it. the ones that dont are delt with.

if you are THAT hateful of these people being gangstas in your own backyard then do your civic duty and call the police department to tell them about suspicious activity
callme.nasty said:
aaaaaandd thats where you went wrong. There are countless accounts of Jesus outside of the Bible. Not only are there many christian writings about Jesus that failed to make the bible, but there are also many Roman and Jewish writing which have accounts of Jesus. And thats the thing, there are many accounts of Jesus by people who are not even of the Catholic faith and do not even believe in him.
2 things:
1. Please present those findings.
2. Was it found to be THE Jesus? i.e. The son of God, and if so, why are we not convinced that Christianity is the correct religion?

yeah i'm real sure one of the highest members in the Al Qaida would've been forced to admitting this by Bush.
We heard tonnes of stuff about Hussein dopplegangers, people made to look like Saddam so they'd go after the wrong guy. Isn't it possible that Americans may have a similar thing, only that they have the guy working for them instead. Not saying it's true, just saying it's a possibility.

Anyway, I'm going to bed, cos I have to get up early in the morning.
Hope to find little religious hatred on this thread tomorrow, otherwise I may have to start reporting people...

P.S. Blahblah, the religious hatred act has been passed in this country and you may be in breach of UK law. Watch your step.
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wiiisawesome said:
They might mainly be Muslims but not all Muslims are terrorists!

I know they aren't all terrorists I wrecked into a Muslim a few years back with my car if he was terrorist I wouldn't be here right now;)
kiraownsurmom said:
@ smurf: not true,werent there white ppl makin bombs wit skrewdrivers n such? but the god is alah accordin to otto

all heil allah

the spontanious boy is right

think of the unibomber and the oklahoma city bombings......
blogman54 said:
Wii_Smurf you are one of those that understand what we have to put up with. Why should I have to understand their culture? They don't care about Jesus why should I care about Aladdin or Ali the Great what ever that guys name is. Speaking of illegals we have a HUGE problem in America with Illegal Mexicans and Cubans. Terrorists are mainly Muslims. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


All I belive is that ALLAH BABBA - Yeah I said it again. And JEBUS - Im on a role aren't real AT ALL! and im not going into the fact of Science etc, But:

This To Me Is:


Interviewer: Oh so I see you have a valid passport?

Guy1: Yeah, I plan on moving here with my family, Would you like to see they're passports

Interviewer: Oh so I see you don't even have a passport

Guy2: hdfjghsdzfhfjkdbgfdjhfogiyhjdogsdawfbsd dgdsdf

Interviewer: Hmmmm so you don't speak English, Can't provide a Translator, Have no proof of identity AND you seem to have a small child hidden up your sleve

Guy2: dgdrgdfg dgdfgdfhftutsdeqweqw

Intervewer: Ok GET OUT! -Shoots-

Thats all I have to say - My Opinon

And I think that No-One should invade ANY country no matter what they have done, Though if you bomb us, We have the right to do something

My final statement: Illegal Immigrants Out and we should pull out of the war [UK]

I'll still post though thats my opinion,

Anyways we've gone FAR away from the OP.
And that was:
'What do you think of muslims'
And my personal opinion....

If they don't annoy me, I have no problem. If they come to my country Illegally [Same with ANYONE] then I have a Problem
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