new wii game. LOOKS GREAT!

Jun 5, 2006
oops... forgot
Wii Online Code
So i got the nintendo news letter in my e-mail And i saw this game:


Yeha it looks childish but i think it's really great!?

So what do you guys think? :p

( ps: The music is really horrible, so i advise you to mute it.)
Looks like the kind of game that will result in a lot of Wiimotes being thrown at the screen in frustration *lol*
Looks awesome. I can't wait for it! Reminds me of Marble Madness for the NES.

Anyone remember that game?

I guess you do tank. (Your reply wasn't up yet)
The game looks great for a marble game. But it's a marble game... I wouldn't pay more then $10.00 even it was good
LOL, I gues I wouldnt either, on certain cercumstances, but I like games like that, so i guess id but it...=]
I started watching the video, got about half way through, then I noticed something about the music, and how it was making me realllllly sleepy =\ .
Me too, its just like some RPG games, the music just...does that ya know...=[
Yea, that's pretty much Marble Madness in 3D. I enjoyed that game but it was certainly a challenge, this one will likely be the same :D
My Wii remote would not last 10mins playing that..I would get too mad when I dropped my marble over the edge! :yikes:
it's called Kororinpa... and it's out in UK (I have it) and its really good. If you don't like puzzle games though you probably won't like it. Anyway it's like Monkeyball but better.
ya, for all the people that made that connection, nintendo power has confirmed that it is a marble madness remake, and as toastie said it is called "Kororinpa"