Nintendos needs third party games.


WiiChat Member
Dec 9, 2007
Saying that the wii is more succesful than the gamecube is an understatement. The wii has sold more than half of what gamecube has sold in its lifetime. But nintendo needs 3rd party games to maintain there sales in the longrun. Nintendo needs to stop thinking that all of their wii owners are 13 years old. Most of our games are held back by the friend code 'law' which is the stupidest thing in my opinion. Nintendo needs to step up and stop letting all of these halfed ass kid games go on the shelves.
i agree with you completely.

though this subject has been brought throughout the web several times..
I'm impressed with the thrird party support considering how unique the console is. I bet theres close to 10 M rated games for Wii. I don't really care who the target audiance is, I typically prefer Nintendo games over any other publisher, thats why I bought a Wii. I agree that there is an overload of budget software for the Wii, I wouldn't necessarily say they are all kids games but they're definatly half ass. You can bet that the third party support would be **** if the Wii sold as well as Gamecube.
I actually think the gamecube had more 3rd party support. Because Gamecube at its time had good graphics compared to PS2, problem was it had no online. Atleast I think thats what went wrong with Gamecube. But this time Wii had motion controls but hasn't got graphics and a limited online more.

Alot of games like being able to release downloadable content and Wii doesn't offer that. Not to mention the average game developer wants to work with better graphics than the last generation so they're gonna want to work on 360/PS3 more. Seeing as Wii is Nintendo, then the Nintendo game developers are going to make things on Wii, because its Nintendo. Which is why they make all the best games on Wii and are able to take full advantage of the Wii as they see fit. The only hope is that developers will decide to make more GOOD games on Wii now that its been selling hard this whole year.

But like phillepino said. This has been discussed ALOT.
Not to worry.
A handful of em' are coming out next year, and look promising.

Personally I find the library and quality of the games now fine, but more third party support is needed and is a welcome addition to my household :lol:
T3kNi9e said:
I actually think the gamecube had more 3rd party support. Because Gamecube at its time had good graphics compared to PS2, problem was it had no online. Atleast I think thats what went wrong with Gamecube. But this time Wii had motion controls but hasn't got graphics and a limited online more.

Alot of games like being able to release downloadable content and Wii doesn't offer that. Not to mention the average game developer wants to work with better graphics than the last generation so they're gonna want to work on 360/PS3 more. Seeing as Wii is Nintendo, then the Nintendo game developers are going to make things on Wii, because its Nintendo. Which is why they make all the best games on Wii and are able to take full advantage of the Wii as they see fit. The only hope is that developers will decide to make more GOOD games on Wii now that its been selling hard this whole year.

But like phillepino said. This has been discussed ALOT.
i have to say i totaly agree! the only reason imo that the gamecube fell is that the industry was moving to the online world and nintendo refused to go that direction, so third parties jumped ship. but the games that were on the cube to me are better than most of the games that have come out for the wii(third party)
I agree as well, nintendo's fan base has grown up to say the least. We aren't all 13 years old (although still many are). And pushing games for more than just a young audiance is a something that definetely needs to happen. Although, I will say just because a game is targeted for younger players doesn't make it unappealing to older ones.

The friend codes are quite annoying and they really need to embrace a more open system. Most children can have fairly open access to the internet and chatrooms, whats wrong with playing people you don't know online? I guess if they really were worried they could set a parental control or something (but that may not be technologically feasible).

As for 3rd party support, I only think the gamecube had it because of the N64 and other previous consoles. Many eventually jumped ship when the console's demise was seen. Now, because of the wii, they are coming back. It will just take some time for these developers to hop onto the ship again. I would imagine a good game would take 1 to 2 years to create (if done right), so a 3rd party developer that came on in 2007 might have awhile to produce a good game.

As for all the smuck budget game titles out there. Yea there are alot. Again, I think its the 3rd party developers worried that their big main title won't be out for awhile so these are "fillers" although it seems to be make them look worse than better. But if you take a look at the PS2, an extremely profitable and probably the top console of last generation, there are A TON of crappy budget titles, more than can fill a truckload. Because of the wii's success I should expect nothing more; everyone wants to get in on the money wagon (like they did for the PS2) and will continue to produce lower tiered titles. Patience for those gem 3rd party titles will come.
oh wow another 3rd party support thread? well it's okay i guess..since it's only the 4th one today.:mad2:
Lol, very true SensesFail.

Unfortunately the only way Nintendo will be able to get the thrid party support the 360 and PS3 have is to up the graphics. If the system was as powerful as the others it would definitely get third party support, but since it isn't companies just seem to overlook it as more of a gimmick then a console. It's sad but true. Same thing happened to the GC. Luckily with the new controller it has attracted a slight bit more than the GC did, but not much.
K LoLo said:
:yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes:

Thats the expression on my face right now. But only because I PRETENDED this hasn't been brought up in 1, 233, 412.6 other threads.

Hmm, if I'm correct.... which I am, you've posted a total of 50 messages. Now how could you have managed to glance at 1,233,412.6 threads, since you've joined WiiChat, concerning this matter from November until now?
S.C.A.R. said:
Lol, very true SensesFail.

Unfortunately the only way Nintendo will be able to get the thrid party support the 360 and PS3 have is to up the graphics. If the system was as powerful as the others it would definitely get third party support, but since it isn't companies just seem to overlook it as more of a gimmick then a console. It's sad but true. Same thing happened to the GC. Luckily with the new controller it has attracted a slight bit more than the GC did, but not much.

Except in gamecube's case, it didnt have the worst graphics. PS2 did, Gamecube looked alot better. When I had my PS2 and Gamecube I wasn't compelled to buy Gamecube games because it was either a 3rd party game on PS2 with online or Gamecube with no online. Then 1st party games were either, get a 1st party game from Nintendo with no online or another one of the many PS2 games that are good with online. Graphics were never an issue because Gamecube did that just fine. At the time I thought Xbox was also behind simply because you had to pay to play and I thought that was just ludicrous, but it had the best graphics, but... it still did better than gamecube, why? Obviously because of online.
S.C.A.R. said:
Lol, very true SensesFail.

Unfortunately the only way Nintendo will be able to get the thrid party support the 360 and PS3 have is to up the graphics. If the system was as powerful as the others it would definitely get third party support, but since it isn't companies just seem to overlook it as more of a gimmick then a console. It's sad but true. Same thing happened to the GC. Luckily with the new controller it has attracted a slight bit more than the GC did, but not much.

Well no there was support for the Gamecube, but not much.
And what was made didn't exactly sell well, thats why the support quickly died off, and has made a slow transition to the Wii.

Wii's visuals aren't that bad, sure they are not ps3 and 360 style visuals, but games can still look great. Its about the lazy developers wanting to put time in effort into a solid game, and them hoping that we the consumer buy the game.

Plus we have a decent slew of third party games coming out next year, so go out and buy those :thumbsup:
True the graphics are allright. But the devolopers can make a game that runs on 360 and PS3 with excellent graphics. Because the Wii's graphics are so much lower it is outcast and shoved aside. I am glad that some third party companies are makiing good games for the Wii. The difference between the support now and the support for GC is the controller. If the system had excellent graphics on top of the controller, it is no doubt that third party devolopers would focus more intently on the Wii.

Also as T3k mentioned, Nintendo has been a little behind in the shift to online gaming, making some third party devolopers focus on systems that have a well devoloped online system. Hopefully the Wii pulls it off. After all built in WiFi and Internet channel; 2 things the 360 doesn't have.
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Thats just like saying the PS3 needs more 1st Party Games. The Wii is doing fine without them and so is PS3. So why complain? Plus with PES08 and No More Heroes. AND Guitar Hero III I'm happy as it is :)