Nintendo's plan to get non gamers in is Wiitarded heres why...

Drift_Ki said:
The only game Non gamers will play is Wii sports. They're not gonna play Zelda,red steel, super monkey ball, rayman, and ect.

Actually, it looks like you're pretty REtarted. It's a brilliant plan. And are you kidding me? What kid wouldn't want to grab a remote and pretend he's a ninja fighting bad guys as in Red Steel? And Monkey Ball, Rayman, and almost all nintendo games are aimed at family fun.
The PS3- the gamers-only system- didn't sell half of what the planned. However, it's still hard to get a Wii in most places around the world.

Looks like you need to do a little more research, buddy.
I'm a testament to Ninetendo getting people who haven't been in the console wars yet involved.

My wife and I , hardcore PC gamers, MMORPG players, and I personally love RTS games (C&C, etc...)

Didn't own a PSone, didn't own a GC, didn't own an xbox until one was given to us by a relative who upgraded.

One night of Wii sports at my bussy Will's house during a poker night had me using 2 hours every morning the rest of my vacation hitting stores until we got one.

As for complete non gamers. I think anybody who plays on one will on some level want one. It's simply fun. Also, let them come out with a "Brain age" style thinking game or two for it , on top of all the party/mini game centric ones and they will solidify a hold on taht market. It's a market the Xbox and Sony people don't even want to think about.
Members of my familly are now playing the wii who've never picked up a controller in their life.. my mothers like.. addicted to the bowling.. i had to make her mii *rolls eyes*
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I am not a non-gamer as i own a pc, ps1 and SNES. But now I want a wii more than an xbox360 or ps3 becuz i get bored of button mashers too easily. To me, the wii doesn't look like much of a button masher since you actually have to get up and do something. And Just a question Drift Ki, why would you register on this site, which is obviously about the Wii, just to diss it? It seems like a waste of time to me.