
Ya, you have a real problem facing them it seems. I guess it's a good thing, for you, that Shadow isn't in the 1v1 brawl league. It's kind of funny seeing CK, an aggro player, tense up when facing a character that is actually smaller than Meta Knight :p.

Well actually, I can beat Shadow's Olimar much easier than most, I know his playstyle too well.

... General on the other hand... His Olimar gives me plenty trouble. Closest I've been to a loss in the league (as in the entire match, not just one).
Hmm... I remember you had trouble against my Olimar (even though I stopped caring by then), so I think I might try him out next time. Expect me to throw indigo and violet Pikmin all over the place o_O... if I get lucky I might pull out a green and orange Pikmin, so watch out for the power of rainbow Olimar :p.

Though don't worry, you'll still beat me badly. I'm just hoping to pull off a KO / get you to 50%+, while you play seriously.
You can beat my Olimar CK but I've always noticed you fight harder as soon as you see pikmin on the field. You're scared of the plant people, not when I use them, but you're scared of them.
So he is also scared of SpongeBob rotfl.Well then I should(when I get the internet that is highspeed)use olimar when I battle you CK.That will be a battle till the death.Toon agianst meta or who ever I choose when the time comes.
A character does not win you the battle, it is the skill which takes form within that character. [/corny]

Seriously though. I'm not afraid of Olimar; if I was afraid of him I wouldn't of accepted General's rematch (he nearly owned me with pwnimar on match 2). If I was afraid, I would no contest. :p I simply don't play well against a defensive cheapimar. I fear nothing in the Brawl world. ... ... ... Except M2K's Meta... Scary ****.
I will tomarow the internet(which is the one that is high speed)doesn't work right now there are to many people on which blocks the connection.
Whose M2K?


You play smash bros., and don't know who M2K is... that's ****ing hilarious, seriously. I knew who M2K was before I even played Brawl competitively (in a non-competitive enviorment[Wiichat], ofcourse). That is seriously sad, lol.
i didn't know who M2K was until i got into the tourney scene. so its ok to not know who he is. but if you talk all the crap yyy/superbad does, then no. laugh away at his retardedness.
More than awesome, he's close to being the best Meta, if not the absolute best. I believe he's beaten the best player in the US and Canada, so... yeah.
So he is the best meta.I wonder who has the best snake then?
yeah, M2K is the best MK, followed by good players like Tyrant, DSF, Dojo etc etc. All of their MKs are monsters.

The best snake player is definitely Ally, he has really sick mindgames.