PS3 Slim Rumor Mill

So you bought the Wii because it's appearance looked great? I think I'll go buy an N-Gage I really like the shape of it.
If he meant that he would've said:
This thing looks ugly as **** so I'm not buying it. :/

I don't think this is legit anyway.
I'm pretty sure they would have kept the spider-man font.
I'm sure they'll bring out a slim version at some point, I just don't think this is the one.
Alright, whatever suits you. I couldn't care less when it comes to the appearance of game consoles. I just buy them based on the exclusives and online service. But that's just me.
It's highly possible that the PS3 could be slimmed down, but thats gonna piss me off...I recently got the 80GB one + theres that MGS4 + KZ2 bundle from BestBuy :mad5: