
An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
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Ok calm down

Its only gonna be a two part thing
Cult comedy Red Dwarf is returning to TV, 21 years after its initial launch.
The show has been resurrected by digital channel Dave for a two-part Easter weekend special, which sees the cast finally return to Earth.
Written and directed by Red Dwarf co-creator Doug Naylor, the new show reunites the line-up, including Coronation Street's Craig Charles.
The hit show, which ran for eight series on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999, won an International Emmy award.
'No holds barred'
Set three million years into the future, the show followed the exploits of Dave Lister, slovenly crew member of the mining ship Red Dwarf - and the last man in the universe.
He was joined in his weekly attempts to make it back to Earth by a cast of oddballs including human hologram Arnold Rimmer, mechanoid servant Kryten and Cat - a preening half-man, half-animal who evolved from the ship's cat.
At its peak, Red Dwarf pulled in around eight million viewers and was broadcast in more than 25 countries.
It has sold more than seven million DVDs and videos.
The new two-part series Red Dwarf: Back to Earth will be followed by a "no holds barred" episode without sets, special effects or autocue.
The weekend will climax with Red Dwarf: the Making of Back to Earth, a behind-the-scenes special from the new episodes.

I hope

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More info
First up, what can you expect from the three new episodes?

Back To Earth – Part One
Nine years later the Red Dwarf crew are older but still none the wiser. Lister's busy day of annoying Rimmer is interrupted by the discovery of a dimension-hopping leviathan in the ship's mile-deep water tank.

Back To Earth - Part Two
Rimmer's replacement, Katerina (Sophie Winkleman), is determined to guide Lister back to his home planet. But Earth in 2009 is not everything the boys had expected, and Rimmer has no intention of being replaced.

Back To Earth - Part Three
Knowing they are destined to die, the Dwarfers – in best Blade Runner traditions – track down those responsible for their creation to plead for more life.
So there not going to a fucher version of Earth
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It's back?! It's finally back? I know I hated the last two seasons, but I've been waiting years for a resolution to the story and there's the off-chance this special might actually be good.

And there was me thinking that UK Gold 2 (I'm not calling it by that ridiculous name) was just for Top Gear repeats.
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And there was me thinking that UK Gold 2 (I'm not calling it by that ridiculous name) was just for Top Gear repeats.
Dave is a good name
Ive named my floor Dave
I'm really happy about this. I hope they don't ruin it. Please, don't ruin it.
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Bump with more info
See OP
So when actually is it on?
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Look at the link for the seclude

And finally, here’s how the Red Dwarf Easter weekend will shape on Dave. Bring on April 10th!
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They're on between 10 - 12 April.

If anything, it would be a past version of Earth (for them), since the series started a few hundred years in the future.
Well for them it would be
But they did go back to a past earth in the episode "Backwards" wiat it was forwards
Damn it none liner time travel is kinda confusing with my current state of mind

(The spell check didnt work on my spelling of the word future)
Well for them it would be
But they did go back to a past earth in the episode "Backwards" wiat it was forwards
Damn it none liner time travel is kinda confusing with my current state of mind

(The spell check didnt work on my spelling of the word future)
To be fair, that episode did have linear time, it just went the oppposite way.
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Well yeah they traveled forward to get to the backwards world witch happened after the big crunch
(Read the book version of it)
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The first part was good
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I liked the part where Krytens machine thing read "bit crap" haha.
My only gripe was the CGI.
I would be quite happy if they just stuck with human operated puppets etc. The Skutters for example.
They dont do things like that anymore
Witch is a shame as it adds to the crappyness of things
I liked the part where Krytens machine thing read "bit crap" haha.
My only gripe was the CGI.
I would be quite happy if they just stuck with human operated puppets etc. The Skutters for example.
Aye, they should definitely stick to puppets and stuff. Yeah, they looked silly back in the old episodes, but that was the point. Looking silly while using CGI is just naff.

I thought the episode was alright. Not great, but alright.