Rumored wii release date

If ya really want to know, hang out for the Tokyo Game Show or the Gaming Convention, both later this month I believe.
DarkDepths said:
If ya really want to know, hang out for the Tokyo Game Show or the Gaming Convention, both later this month I believe.
No, The Tokyo Game Show is on September 22-24 but I wish it was later this month
the tenth of february 2006? what the heck are you on about?


America and a few other countries have their days/months mixed to us UK'ers, he means 02/10/06 :)
Wow, Am I the only one who red tons of forums and blogs about the mysterious release date in the press from nintendo? Everything point out to be october 2nd. So this date make sense. I known its still pure speculation but stills, in my head thats TEH RELEASE DATEzor. So yeah, I think its accurate :O
yea i would hope, but i wanna get it on the american base, does it play american AND europian games or is it like the G-cube and con only play american games for the american system and EU games for the EU system :sick:
Yea that would suck, but the G-cube was that way, and since i have an american G-cube and live in germany its hard cuz i haf to go to the base and we barely go there