Screw Sony!

death of consoles :(

hey there peoples, i'm just writing because i've had 2 Xbox 360s die as well as a 60GB Playstation 3 and the only one that seems to hold it's own is the Nintendo Wii. I'm considering getting a 250GB Playstation 3 to replace the one that died but i'm not too sure about it. I didn't know that you had to pay to get the PS3 repaired which kind of sucks :( by the way, my Xbox 360 gamertag is YourLocalZombie :)
Yea, I'm in the same boat you are. I'm not gonna give them 150 dollars for a system that I payed 600 on. It just isn't gonna happen. Sony has the WORST customer support service that I've ever seen/heard.

Microsoft HAS to fix peoples systems for free, they break too often for them not too. The 360 is a nice system, but it's very cheap when it comes to parts. They cut some corners inside and Microsoft knows it. Thus having free repair.

Sony won't be getting 150 outta me. I'm just gonna get another one later down the road, and swap my 60 gig hard drive with what ever it has. I'll just use the one it comes with as a back up.
If you get a new one, I'd suggest taking some out some insurance on it. Here in the UK, I got insurance for my PS3 at £30 for two years cover.