Should i get a wii

I have owned my Wiiiiii since January...Miiii n my Wiiiii are a great combination. Being a senior citizen, I have been through all of the exercise
routines throughout my life. I can honestly say I enjoy and look forward to my Wiiiii play daily. I allot at least 2 hours a day to my Wii workout...which includes Wii Sports, tennis, bowling batting practice and boxing practice..then I do the Fit Challenge ... I move on to Wii Sports Resort where I do Sword Play and Table Tennis and some of the other sports...those 2 are my primary interest...I move on the Wii Fit Plus (just had this 3 weeks)...using the Balance Board I do my profile and checkin.
I am not into Yoga, but try a couple of a couple of the favorite portion, so far, of Fit Plus is the walking and stepping and anything which requires me to use both arms...and do the skiing and bike riding.
Having done all of those options numerous times...I, then, go to Grand Slam Tennis and play against all the big name tennis players of the world.
So...having said all this...ALL I CAN SAY TO ANY OF YOU WHO THINK WII IS LAME OR NOT are playing the wrong venue...if all you want to do is sit on the couch and play all those fantastic life-like games..go ahead...IF YOU WANT TO MOVE AND LOSE WEIGHT AND GET a WII AND USE IT !! Do not let it set on the shelf and gather dust. :lovewii::yesnod: