So I beat SSB:B jap version

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more than lying i think he beat it but has no real knowledge of how the previous games were played
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I aint lying. Sorry I didn't reply. I have a WiiKey, naturally I downloaded it, its the first dual layer game. I had to do the 15% trick and burn an original jap copy and a Brickblocked copy for those of you who have modchips. Don't worry I'll buy it when it comes out, I just wanted to get a skill jump on my friends. I beat Smash Bros for 64, I beat Melee, I still own both those games.

Ok I said exactly like Melee but take that with a grain of salt because its not a verbatim copy (well the disc is :wtf:). The controls are just 95% the same.

To answer some other questions:
kurokaito: I havn't tried the classic but I expect it to be good
Lugia: Its more than Melee with an expansion. The graphics look all new.
GigaRidley: The level editor could use a pointer for one. You pick from only a few different themes at the start, each have there own set of items. You can't mix themes. The end result always has a "level editor" feel, some objects just don't streamline well. Still fun, the music choice is excellent, full of Nintendo classics. I can't read the titles but I recognize the music!
Wii-fi: I like your name. I recommend getting used to the analog because you have to double tap with te d-pad which I find slower. I've read a few times that people like the Wii remote sidways but I think they're just trying to be cool because adding the nunchuck is certainly better.
Donnyp1141: No i wouldn't want SSB:B to play like CoD4 :wtf: I expect it to play like Melee, but theres a chance they could have revamped the controls to the Wii age for better or for worse (probably worse). I would give Melee a 9.4 when it was new.
spiff-ssbb: Do not speculate my SSB knowledge for we live in an age of online play where skills can be proven if need be.

It is the best multiplayer game for Wii, arguably for any console.
pirated games are bad sakuri and nintendo put alot of time into the game for you to play w/o paying its pretty d*ck
still to say the graphics look new when you compare a wii to a gc is like saying theyre rehashed.
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