softmod idea?

Haz said:
Oh fantastic..... another Adolf Hitler on the forums. Yes of course you're right - how silly of us to think otherwise.

May I ask what exactly your talking about, I was merely breaking down what he was trying to explain so that everyone would stop arguring about it. How that is a wrong thing for me to do is beyond me. Im sorry that being helpful and stopping arguments is hilter behaviour.
Haz said:
A hierarchy is just a structure. It can be applied many situations. I shall explain in two examples.

Hierarchy in a workplace - Top Down, with most important at the top.

Director of Company
Area Manager
Store Manager
Assistant Manager
Standard Employee.

Hierarchy in Computer - Path to a file (each 'line' is a hierarchical level)

c:\Program Files
C:\Program Files\Macromedia
C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flash MX
C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flash MX\FlashMX.exe

Ah right thanx mate i get it now lol
Wouldn't it be just easier to make an actual game that starts itself? meh...
bonecollector316 said:
I beleive posters below 13 is allowed with the permission of parent/guardian. atleast on most forums, I never read it when I signed up being 18 and all. but I beleive thats rule.
Lol if you read some of there earlier post there talking about there e-penis sizes not age lol to professional aren;t you
How about we all stop argueing about what hierarchy is, e-penises, and age agreements on ther interenet?

This does sound like a good idea, but the only thing is maybe Nintendo has all there game files signed so we can't do softmods to pirate games. We also don't know how to make Wii homebrew files as far as I know, and then theres the factor of that the games may be read backwards making it difficult or impossible for us to create our own discs.
With all the copy-protection manufacturers are putting in now-a-days, I am almost certain it would check the disk signature upon starting to read the disk.

Doing so is quite easy to implement and is fairly effective at stopping piracy (at least until modchips/softmods are out).

If they don't do so though, it may be possible.