Stupid Gaming Moments


Feb 19, 2007
Wii Online Code
What are some of your most stupid, inept gaming experiences on any console (handheld included).

I remember playing Pokemon Blue (ages ago) on my GB Color and I used my Masterball on a wild Rattata Lv. 3. :yikes: Oh boy, who knows what I could have done with that. So, why did I do this? It was my first time playing the Pokemon series so I did not really understand what it did (I skip over the text). I wish I had read it. :sad:
FR. said:
What are some of your most stupid, inept gaming experiences on any console (handheld included).

I remember playing Pokemon Blue (ages ago) on my GB Color and I used my Masterball on a wild Rattata Lv. 3. :yikes: Oh boy, who knows what I could have done with that. So, why did I do this? It was my first time playing the Pokemon series so I did not really understand what it did (I skip over the text). I wish I had read it. :sad:

EDIT, nvm, lol
Too many to list.....however here is a short list of quotes I've heard people say over xbox live..

1. "Go back to Canada"

2. On Gears Of War...

"How Do I Aim The Chainsaw?"

good times good times..

Mine include:

Blowing myself up with rockets
Grenading myself
Jumping off high places and dying..

Bootin a car into a random enemys face - crackdown
Jumpin off a tall blidin and diein - Also Crackdown
Meh Im enjoying Crackdown
Going to las vegas, and instead of partying and going to all the good places.. i just got drunk and sat on the sidewalk and played game boy games for a few days. It was like fear and loathing in las vegas but with a game boy.
Not exactly stupid on my part, but when I played either Halo or Halo 2 I jumped off this platform or bridge, and landed on the ground and died.

The stupid thing about it is that the drop was only about 6 feet when in most parts of the game you could fall 30 feet without dying, even I could survive that without getting hurt!
Civ 4- I started a war with Spain only to realise their army vastly outnumbered mine.

PGR 3- During a cat and mouse game I accidently smashed my team's mouse car into the barrier, allowing the other team to get comfortably ahead.

Final Fantasy VIII- Sometimes I forget to draw the Espers during boss fights.

Darkprinny said:
Bootin a car into a random enemys face - crackdown
Jumpin off a tall blidin and diein - Also Crackdown
Meh Im enjoying Crackdown

Mighty fun, that game. :)
I only wish it were longer.
Shiftfallout said:
has anyone ever found themselves making video game characters in games do perverse things or is it only me?

Crotch grab in fire pro wrestling
A submisson move
Darkprinny said:
Crotch grab in fire pro wrestling
A submisson move

my personal favorite... being a druid in WoW, turning into a bear, mashing the sit and stand key, to make it look like im humping whatever i am in front of. Usually gnomes.
When playing with friends, I have killed them many times accidentally when Friendy fire is turned off. Sometimes though, it was intentional.
playing gears of war, i was running from enemies while my team mate was shooting :)

i then hid, but lots of wretchs followed me.. . . .

my friend wouldnt help me because i ran off so i was running around with lots of wretchs following me.

i tried to dive over something, straight into a hole!

erm thats one il try to think of more that have happened to me.