Super Smash coming out in the Spring or the Fall???

ssbb and super mario galaxy both come out on jone 30th 2007. games master magazine and the official nintendo mag said so on numourous occasions.
Tails McCloud~ said:
p.s. Nic7, you sound like a dickhead, so i would like to see you strangled to death with your own entrails...just an observation...

I like this guy
Axtlar said:
That was the stupidest thing I have ever heard, you dumb pleneasmic idiot! shut up! Brawl will come out March-May you'll see

Even though nintendo already clarified that it wont be out in march, you make a good point
:D I heard, march and june. (EB games says june) Nintendo is trying to perfect the game, would you rather like the top antticipaited Wii game rushed and reviced tomarrow? or would you like time and get it later. Btw it has 17 charecters? Nintendo said that the roster will be at least 40. I can wait! :thumbsup:
playswithsquirrels said:
Game Informer had the date June 1st in print, but i hope that its sooner because I'm almost done with Zelda and I dont have money for another game in between.:thumbsup:

Gamecubed is a skipped console. Get the mario classics, zelda wind waker/collectors/master quest. Get smash bros melee, metriod, mario kart, ect. PLUS VIRTUAL CONSOLE PEOPLE!
kingkoy said:
steel froggie banjo kazooie is coming out for xbox360
what the hell man? are you kidding? or do you have proof? don't joke like that
Cool man!

BTW my Fox sig is better,
(thanx Bubbagump)
I read in an article that metroid is coming out in April and thinking november. And no need to fight my opinion its jus me thinkin i would LOVE for it to come out as soon as possible but i dont think its happening but i AM praying that they announce a release date during the game developers conference or atleast a season like Fall 2007 or Summer 2007 so we can atleast have a 3 month prediction. Nintendo is mean
Tails McCloud~ said:
I heard it was coming out in the Fall but i also hope it comes out in March, recently i saw June as well, whats going on? I wish someone would just tell me some accurate info, you know......
you cant rush games
EBGames has it up for preorder and delivers at 6/1. I'm preordering from them since I buy all my games from EB's and they almost always have the right date. They also say Galaxy is coming out in December....
im hoping it comes out soon, nut I dont mind if it comes out in November, I can wait, I need time to completely own Sonic and the Secret Rings!!! =]
SPRING SPRING SPRING! look on EB AND SIGN UP FOR NINTENDO POWER! -if you have 3 nintendo systems(handelds too) regester em on for your free 3 nintendo power magazine. Then buy the zelda offer for 20$ your set for a year and less then 25$ spent. :thumbsup: