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coleman said:
Very nice indeed. Those colors really pop! Are you gonna continue it down the rest of your arm?

i would like to but with my job at the moment it probably shouldn't. I will definitely half sleeve the other arm as well, and down the road when i find a company i like better I'll go all the way. If I'm still with the same one I'm sure after 10 years of being with them they aren't gonna be all uppity about it being under my sleeves. But these guys are mental in this company.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i want it on my right hip IE my gun hip- it wont be as big as the pic i want it more about the size of a snapple cap

With all that detail in the image, getting it that small probably wouldnt be the best idea. You wouldnt be able to see all the details, if the tattoo artist would even be able to it. And over time, with that small of a tat, it would all jumble together and not look as good.

Just my two cents :)

I have these guys vertically wraped around my upper arm, there is a green laurel aswell on the side, and then the inscription below the owls, which is on the same building:


which means: for every age it's art / for every art it's freedom
coleman said:
With all that detail in the image, getting it that small probably wouldnt be the best idea. You wouldnt be able to see all the details, if the tattoo artist would even be able to it. And over time, with that small of a tat, it would all jumble together and not look as good.

Just my two cents :)

this is true but a snapple cap was probably the closest i can get to an actual size kinda......i know itll probably be bigger. more like the diameter or something i HORRIBLE with measurements lol.

when i get it, ill show you all a pic :)
I was told with that tattoo I wanted above that if I ever got pregnant it would probably go horrible, which is probably true, so I might not have it, or have something similar somewhere else..
surfinrach90 said:
I was told with that tattoo I wanted above that if I ever got pregnant it would probably go horrible, which is probably true, so I might not have it, or have something similar somewhere else..

i heard the same thing about where i wanted my tattoo but ya know what, i dont really care lmao. i have a beer belly anyways. :D

im not too concerned. i know for sure i only want ONE kid in the near future anyways but right now, the NYPD is first then my home life since i dont have a family of my own just yet :)
When i move to england i will be getting the following tatoos


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TLC, think about getting it bigger, on your ribs. It'll hurt like a *****, but it'll look sexy as hell. That's just me, I love tatted up girls.
coleman said:
TLC, think about getting it bigger, on your ribs. It'll hurt like a *****, but it'll look sexy as hell. That's just me, I love tatted up girls.

i can withstand the pain ive been tasered and maced :D

when i get it ill have them draw it first and scale to size if not on my hip due to size than maybe on my back above my right butt check (not on my butt but on the back portion- to the right of the small of the back)

might be a bit better there. only one way to find out! :D
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i can withstand the pain ive been tasered and maced :D

when i get it ill have them draw it first and scale to size if not on my hip due to size than maybe on my back above my right butt check (not on my butt but on the back portion- to the right of the small of the back)

might be a bit better there. only one way to find out! :D

Lol woah.. you've been tasered, awesome :cornut:
coleman said:
Ah yes, I forgot your cop status :)

lmao, it sucks though

i also blame many years of sibling abuse IE an older brother who used to WAIL on me!!!

he gave me stitches in my head (explains a lot right? LOL) seriously i was 6 and was playing football in his room and i usually wear his jets helmet but we couldnt find it and he tackled me and BAMN smacked my head on the corner of his bed. i dont remember it hurting or anything i just remember alot of blood and my parents flipping and cursing out at my brother (btw theres a 7 year difference between the 2 of us so he was 13 almost 14 at the time).

i had only 5 stitches and my pediotrician who did the stitches said that the cut was very minor haha.
I'm going to get my first tat over the summer. My family coat of arms


That's going to go on my back, upper middle, maybe about 6 or 7 inches tall. I want to get this one done in one sitting to save some money. The guy at the shop said I might be there for 5 hours or so.

Then I want to get a pack man on my ribs. That one should only take what, half an hour? It's a yellow circle with a piece cut out.