The Legend of Zelda the Twilight Princess.

i hope so. its been in all the good zelda games: ALttP, OoT, MM (WW didnt have an instrument, batons dont count).
yeah but you're keeping time with it but yeah it doesn't count but I really hope so maby hell have inwards singing hahah
Mr_Stoukaph said:
i hope so. its been in all the good zelda games: ALttP, OoT, MM (WW didnt have an instrument, batons dont count).

What do you mean "batons don't count"!?
The windwaker was an incredible ... oh wait it sucked nevermind.

If there is a new instrument, i hope they stick to the traditional instruments of the zelda series (Ocarina, Flute, etc.) nothing fancy ... like an organ ;)

If you watch the E3 gameplay vid, the guy goes to the menu with all the weapons/items several times ... i don't see anything that looks like an instrument.
ninjade said:
yeah but organs are heavy have u ever lifted one of those?
i meant like in the castle, something happens when you play it a special way. but you wouldnt be able to carry it around with you.
That would be creepy, everytime u get to a dungeon or something there's a random organ in the dark corner w/ cob webs on it. Ahhhh!

I'm trying to think of a new instrument. A guitar is to rocky. A violin is to fancy. A pan flute/normal flute would be cool. Drums r just non-link. No jazz instruments, duh. It would have to be some type of medieval entertainment instrument or orchestra instrument.
they had a guitar, drums and horn in MM. plus, a creepy organ in every dungeon corner would add to its darkness. hehe. how about a harp for link? like the one sheik or medli had
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DDDUUUDDDEEE, that's what Zelda could give him in this organ though, hmph!:mad: :lol:
I think a flute or a small harp would fit. I didn't play the other Zelda games much. but I loved how you could call epona, make day to night and things by playing an instrument. It's what made the game so interesting. (OoT)