The Wii Sucks.........

hahaha i have the samee problem but like zapasant93 said just try to get an extra curricular activity. my case lumberjack club and maybe tennis. but yeah i was sore as hell the next morning of the first time i played it. made me feel good about getting it
I got Wii on launch day, but I had to go to church first. when I got home, I played Wii Sports and Super Monkey Ball for a total of about 7 and a half hours. My arm was so sore the next morning. It hurt for the next few days.

I wasn't as addicted for a while, but when I got My Sims a week ago, I'm addicted again!
laurie_lu said:
My son and husband woke up the next morning complaining that their arms were killing them. This was the morning after playing the Wii for the first time.
i had the same problem. but hay, at least they're getting exercise!:wink:

sorry for the doble post. i did not see that.
omfg i was about to flip a s**t because of your title...

yeah the wii had the same effect on me for awhile...i would be playing for hours. the first time i played at my friends house, i was sore for two days. after that..all was good for me.
samXcor3 said:
Anyone else get really sore after some intense Wii Boxing? Contracting those muscles and not hitting anything does a number on them i think.
yeah, first day i got my wii i was like WTF i hope i dont feel like this after everytime i play. lol then i realized you dont have to make full swinging motions. lol
"sore"? "excercise"? WTF, except for Wii Sports, all the motion controls are pretty much just flicking your wrist. (and how can anyone stand playing Wii Sports more than five minutes?)