The Wii's "poor graphics"

Pokemon_Master1001 said:
The wii has good graphics like the new gaame Dewy's Adventure(comming later this year).I dont like to be to graphicy like the PS3.
That's the only 3rd party game pushing the console. (Well effectively using it's power anyway.) Ugly looking laggy games don't count as "pushing".

Looking forward to the game though, same creators as elebits.
Thats whats good about nintendo though. They worry about the gameplay(most of the time) and not the graphics. Like for example the ps3 is all about graphics and most people think the ps3 sucks!:lol:
doctorecs said:
Thats whats good about nintendo though. They worry about the gameplay(most of the time) and not the graphics. Like for example the ps3 is all about graphics and most people think the ps3 sucks!:lol:
good point there
Spiritshotgun said:
hahaha...faster is, its not at all about speed, it's about the architecture used on the processors that includes the video processor (gpu) as well. the wii isnt meant to be a powerful system, if it was, it wouldve been 400 dollars.
Dude it is worth 400 dollars even more in some countries its not all about the USA they arent the standard
I choose gameplay over graphics anyday. Who really wants a game that has these GLORIOUS quality graphics while the gameplay is shoddy? This is just my opinion, gameplay should be the primary focus, graphics second on the list.
its just the devs part
and it takes a lot of power to render textures btw
devs are just trying to make a quick buck
people should stop being stupid and stop buying these so good games can come out
thats right, if you buy these type of games, i am calling you STUPID.
deafy said:
I choose gameplay over graphics anyday. Who really wants a game that has these GLORIOUS quality graphics while the gameplay is shoddy? This is just my opinion, gameplay should be the primary focus, graphics second on the list.
Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES all had shoddy game-play then.
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dreamcastninja said:
You're wrong!

"If one game has better textures than another, it's not the hardware's fault; it's because one developer spent more time or money or talent creating better textures."

Textures have to be able to fit in memory, it takes ram to load textures and keep them in memory to be displayed. 360 and ps3 can display a lot more textures, and complicated textures at one time. WHen you increase polly count, you increase the number of textures, and usually you have to increase the quality of the texture since there is more detail to be had. All in all, the wii is a weak system when it comes to graphics. It's very fun and I bought one. But at the end of the day, the wii is not a graphics machine, so don't make it one.

Thanks for the information, and you make some good points.

You are making different points than I, though. In the sentence you quoted, I was talking about the quality of a particular texture. I was trying to make the point that, if one texture looks better than another texture, it's because more time is spent on it.

Now, I may be wrong, but here's my logic: If you increase the number of polygons, then yes, you need more textures. But at that point, there are now more textures on the screen at once, and they're smaller. So the textures wouldn't need to be higher quality. You can't see them as well anyway.

In the early days of space flight sims (e.g. Wing Commander), the ship was essentially one big texture. The detail on those had to be extremely high. Now that you have a ship with hundreds or thousands of polygons, how much time and effort is spent on each of those textures?

Either way, you're absolutely right that memory is a concern. And the Wii has very little memory compared to the other systems (according to Paul Thurott, 64 MB compared to the PS3's 256 MB and Xbox 360's 512 MB).
I think the Wii can do more but I bought it for gameplay. I am happier playing Wii Play than these visually amazing PS3 games.

In fact I had given up on consuls after the N64 until I found out about the Wii.