Thread of Smash

So, I went to Parallel World Gaming yesterday for a Melee tournament. I was nervous as heck, seeing as I've been playing the game for a little over a month and we were going to a tournament that was having a little over 40 people. All in all, I think I did well for my first experience.

Round 1: vs. Peach
This wasn't a good player, but it was definitely worrysome. I didn't know like anything about Peach, but I learned which of her attacks have a lot of priority and knockback. I 3 stocked him the first match, he beat me the second, and then was winning for the longest time, and he had me to 1 stock when he had 3. I decided to start just absolutely spamming pills (something I should have been doing all game), but then realized I can just sit back and shield grab the guy because he would just dash attack into shield. So I won that game.

Round 2: vs. AOB (Marth)
I personally have never heard of the guy, but the guys I went with (or "crew" which I just think sounds stupid) had heard of him. He 3 stocked me the first match and 1 stocked the second. I wasn't throwing pills like I should have been and tried to play rushdown too much, which Doc shouldn't do except for against really bad people.
Onto losers

Round 3: vs. Falcon/Fox
In round 3, I played a guy who started as Falcon. His Falcon wasn't bad at all, but I 2-3 stocked it by playing patiently and caping his recovery (lol Falcon). I think because of that, he switched to Fox (whom is almost as easy to cape, but I don't think he know that). Took me to Stadium and took me down to my last life, but I came out victorious.

Round 4: vs. Marth
Not a lot to say about this match. I took him to FD the first game and just controlled him with pills. Game two he took me to Battlefield(?) but it wasn't much of a match, either.

Round 5: vs. Shonic (Marth)
Shonic is the guy that drove me there (all of us are aware this name is pretty ass). I've never really beaten him in our weekly tournaments, but I had been working hard over the past couple weeks to get better for this event and hadn't really played him. I did some nooby mistakes (like DI in on Marth's back throw off stage [TWICE]), but I do feel he is the better player overall. So he 2-0'd me, but I didn't feel like he shouldn't have.

In the end, I placed 17th with a record of 6-5 in total. Good experience and I look forward to improving my game.

Notable players that were there (this is just going off of whom the others seemed to know):