Top 5 reasons SSBB may suck

jimbo said:
omg this still going.... cant some one just lock it or something

Ok, why are YOU still going? Contribute to the thread or delete your useless post, hoping to get a free one huh....

Anyways, I agree with the dude that said Brawl is to have fun.

But also, Brawl is being taken seriously by more... nerdy and older players, so it's also for competition.
andrewguy said:
a bit off topic but: what's wavedashing again? i keep forgeting
a wavedash is an airdodge into the ground at an angle. looks similar to a roll but it goes further, its faster, and there is no lag after a wavedash enabling you to do any attack after one.
prime examples of characters that MUST utilize the wavedash in melee to be competative are luigi and ice climbers
luigi has the longest wavedash and uses it to tech chase and does it into downsmashes effectively
ice climbers also have a long one and use it to get into grab combos or their powerful smashes.

hope that helped
Shion said:
Anyways, I agree with the dude that said Brawl is to have fun.

But also, Brawl is being taken seriously by more... nerdy and older players, so it's also for competition.
you could play atari and have fun but competition is where its at.
Shion said:
Ok, why are YOU still going? Contribute to the thread or delete your useless post, hoping to get a free one huh....

Anyways, I agree with the dude that said Brawl is to have fun.

But also, Brawl is being taken seriously by more... nerdy and older players, so it's also for competition.

yeah brawl is 4 fun, even when u lose u have fun.
Exactly ^^

I have a good feeling that Brawl is going to be the #1 best game for the Wii, especially with online play
Yes, that's very true. And there's a bunch of things to do in the game, not just online play.
Yeah, theres co-op adventure, co-op target test, co-op multi-man brawl, co-op event matches and co-op homerun conest
co-op works online for everything except event matches and adventure mode (I'm not sure about Event Matches and Adventure Mode but I've heard no evidence indicating either of them are online, so I'm guessing, no)
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