up up down down left right left right a b select start

There is allways Yuji Naksomethins birthday
Level select for Sonic 2
Best way of getin people to memorise your birthday
*Remembers its mothersday on Sunday*

I had better buy somethin for her
The way of rememberin it is the look of dissapointment on my mums face
I had a huge notpad of cheats for the longest time but ended up giving in, it may have been a headache but it was pretty easy to do for the time...


The original game "Enhancer" circa 1990... I don't throw anything away ha ha. The only thing that sucked was you had to keep buying new books as they came out so you were always screwed with the newer games untill there was enough to get a new Game Genie book out. And the thing is a PITA to get in and out besides on the top loaders.