What 3 things would you change in your life?

wario2ooo said:
able to see my old girlfriend again........i think thats about it

The soft side of Wario comes out :lol:

Jokes aside though, thats sweet.
Lol, definetly not.

The school system is poorly set up and it is ridiculously easy to manipulate it.

However, what I was referring to the most was the fact that teachers don't know what they're doing. As I've said in the past, you can give me any essay question you can think of (I may have never heard of the term in my entire life) and I can ace it (by an average teachers' standards) by going around in circles and never answering the direct question.

Its pathetic.
No, I was speaking about school systems in general. My school is one of the best in its district.

My theory is: Teachers feel bad for the students that are doing poorly (who could do much better, but choose not to) so they baby them to get them a better grade. However, babying one student would be unfair and so the entire class gets the same treatment and in the end everyone ends up getting good grades...but no one learns anything.
Hmmm....3 thing eh>?

1.Unlimited amounts of Money (now i wont need happiness since money=happiness

2. Super Human Powers (telekenesis, shoot energy, fly, all that cool stuff:cool: )

3.) Hmm idk or the third one.......?Can I donate this one to charity?
Curtain, you should make your usertitle 'Leve's My Hero'.

:yesnod: :lol: :wink: