What does everybody want to see on the wii?

I'd like the see the new metroid game =P (i know they're already making/make one but the release date keeps changing =( )

I'd like to see some more sword play games, and a on rails shooter (we're getting RE:UC soon =) )

I second the download-able content =D - can't you already download VC and DS demos though the Wii? - or are you talking about actual Wii games... coz you'd need a 10GB (and 10GB takes a long time to download, even with B-band =( ) SD card :S... or nintendo/3rd party would have to bring out USB hard drive... and the game would load SLLOWWWWWWW!

I'd also like to see another add on controller... i don't know why... i just think that another controller add-on would be cool - :S what the hell would i do? i don't know...

Im so down for a star wars game nothing cooler then a custom jedi fighter wii game like jedi knight now how cool would that be!! :ihih: Or i would really go for an MMO on wii would also be really neat imagine World of warcraft yet free based movement and attacks :smilewinkgrin: Oh and a serious BASEBALL GAME WITH GOOD GRAPHICS!! I have also always wanted to see a nice FPS that u could make custom charaters and be able to death match gun fights
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1. A true RTS. The remote would be perfect for such a thing.
2. More "full" games that use just the remote. Remember developers, the D-Pad can be used for running as well!
3. Star Wars. Good lord, if there was ever a no-brainer for what 3rd party franchise should be on the Wii, its this one. Lightsaber combat, blaster shootouts, force powers, starship piloting; all of these can be done extremely well on the remote. Add in online play play for each style of play & you'd pretty much have the definitive Wii game.
4. More games using Miis. A Mii platformer would be quite nice.