What is love to you?

What I feel towards my awesome girl friend, who of which I am seriously considering proposing to.
Word of experience: If you're gonna do something, do it quick. It's a competitive world we live in and procrastination can be deadly to a relationship.
What I feel towards my awesome girl friend, who of which I am seriously considering proposing to.


Assasin speaks wise words, amigo. If ya feel it's meant to be, give it a shot 'n hope ya get lucky in love.
Oh snap, proposal? ^_^

Love to me....well, romantic love, is when you wanna be with someone forever. You wanna make them happy and just be around them, as well as do sexual things with them (usually).

Simple explanation, but love can be complex, heh.
Word of experience: If you're gonna do something, do it quick. It's a competitive world we live in and procrastination can be deadly to a relationship.

Its an interesting situation I find myself in. I deploy for 9 months in either October or November. I don't want to marry her then leave her for 9 months soon after. I might be engaged while gone though. I'm still trying to figure out what's best for the both of us.
What is love? baby don't hurt me, baby don't hurt me! Hahahahahaha... no serious love is beautiful thing when you recieve it the right way.
Love isn't something we can easily take, we can't capture is. Because before we know it, it's gone by the wind.

Hey I like poems, deep stuff and so. And I'm a Dutchy!!
I hate to sound like a buzz kill, but that ain't particularly deep... Just flowery words more or less.

Much as I love trollin', I feel it's rude sayin' such things... I am a complicated idiot.
When you see someone more than once for sex................
Never had the need to use one.

but have been paid in the past...................
It was in that massive thread that got cocked up.

Go round to some woman's house for sexy time
Talking and stuff, she mentions that her computer is to slow.
Fix computer (had a chunk of malware and virus stuff on it)
Sexy time
Sleep at hers.
Wake up
Sexy time and some breakfast
She gives me a lift to bus station and gives me £20