What is your favorite custom loadout/s?

laod is officially stupid (no offense to people who use it), i should try Lf instead of hh.
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Haha, for jungle I use supressed strata, wolfe .44, HH, proximities and last act of defiance!
It goes well on me!

But seriously, out of boredom I created a random loadout.

Anova DP3
Masterton M557
Proximity Mines
Reactive Armor
Multi Task
Grenade Launcher

This is the loadout I use when I either feel like being a major dick, when I'm REALLY, REALLY angry with something, or there's a hacker.
I just got to level 52 and was gifted with a brand new, out-of-the-box Masterton. I made a load out just for it.

Speed Loader
Remote Mines

I use it when I get bored or in Archives, Facility and Sewers or towards the end of the game - usually when it's time to destroy the black box or when things get into close quarters. It's a monster and I am already on the verge of level 53 and my proxies.

My girl, on the other hand, takes great glee in running up on the box as soon as she can and blasting it into oblivion. She doesn't care how often she gets killed so long as she blasts the box to pieces.
Why do you guys put HH on the strata? You only need it if you go silenced :) Mine:IvanaRemotes/ProxieLight FootSnap ShotSilencer
Well, it depends on the level I'm at. Currently (Lv 45+), I've been spamming Strata+ACOG/Silencer & Light Foot. I also love multitask. Allows me to add the lousy shotgun/sniper rifle rather than the useless pistol. (I've surprised many in jungle thinking they'll ambush Mr. Sniper, only to catch a faceful of Mr. Strata!)

Before I got the Remotes, I used Noob Toob in Black Box for Mi-=6, Otherwise, Stauger Reflex/Silence.

From, Lv 25-45 I used M-16 w/ silencer, then ACOG (pesky snipers RAEG when I pwn them at max range.)

When I started, I used the SMG loadout. (great All-Round Loadout)

For getting kills in Sigmus & Torka. Hi-Cap+heavy hitter w/ reflex/ACOG ACOG+Snap Shpot for AK-47.

==>>Can anyone tell me how well Reactive Armor works? I've used it with Bio Booster & noticed NO verifiable advantage. Also, I've never noticed any advantage to Laser Sight. You Have crosshairs on the screen after all. I have to ADS all the time since my hands shake so I can't hit a damn thing in hipfire (Motion sensing controllers do have a disadvantage to some)
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O i just noticed Dok put this already :D

What ever, i feel like volcarona, i need hh.
What does the BB, and RA stand for?

Can't seem to get it...