Wii is boring

manufan15 said:
What are it's most promising titles coming out in 09-10??

well its wii's mid life. at that point is when all the systems will do their best. the only game that has been announced is a terminator game.
wow, sell your wii before smash brothers and mario kart even get released...some smart people we got here, r completely dump, first off they should ask us its there choice, and what should we tell 'em "no don't" guys please smarten up or get out of the form this is called wiichat.....
not "hatedwii" or "wiiflamer" wii is kicking sony and microsoft in the behind and there probably just jelous
castlezelda said:
wow, sell your wii before smash brothers and mario kart even get released...some smart people we got here, r completely dump, first off they should ask us its there choice, and what should we tell 'em "no don't" guys please smarten up or get out of the form this is called wiichat.....
not "hatedwii" or "wiiflamer" wii is kicking sony and microsoft in the behind and there probably just jelous

You are insulting the OP, yet your post is consisted of bad spelling, grammatical errors, and you calling people "dump".

The OP clearly stated he was not into SSBB so how is he dumb for selling it before its released when he clearly has no interest in it? Stop being mad becamse someone does not share your enthusiasm for the console and let him be.
manufan15 said:
What are it's most promising titles coming out in 09-10??

I think with that comment he was talking about the games coming out soon like Mario Kart and Brawl. Personally there is more I want to play this year besides those two, so I am pretty happy.

Also, if games like StarFox and Pikmin don't make their way on to Wii this year, expect that in 2009, as well as a new Zelda. The good games don't just stop coming out after 2 years, at least not from Nintendo.

As for the OP selling your Wii.
Go ahead, if nothing this year interests you thats fine. But two weeks really isn't that long of a time, others have not played it for months and are only going to when Brawl comes out. At least they have some kind of merit to their problem, personally two weeks is a small amount of time. Just think in another two weeks Brawl comes out, three weeks after that Mario Kart? Its your call though.
laderer5 said:
wow thats the spirit....sell your wii 2 weeks before the beat game of all time is released....wow smart people.

Prick. I'd like to show you the most important part of the opening post

ally_uk said:
Should I sell the Wii? I'm not much of a smash bros fan

See? Stop being so baised and actually read the posts.

As for the question at hand. If you don't like it sell it, it's your choice at the end of the day
I believe that what you need is more multiplayer games.

IMO, the Wii is more of a multiplayer console rather than a single player. So that's probably why you think it's boring right now. I also think the Wii is boring, but that's only because I have no one to play with and I have no online multiplayer games and that's why I'm hoping to get MOHH2 and wait for SSBB to come out so I could actually play my Wii.
T3kNi9e said:
You are insulting the OP, yet your post is consisted of bad spelling, grammatical errors, and you calling people "dump".

The OP clearly stated he was not into SSBB so how is he dumb for selling it before its released when he clearly has no interest in it? Stop being mad becamse someone does not share your enthusiasm for the console and let him be.

What is with you and your in-your-face interface?

/salute at your post though...
If you want your hardcore needs fixing get a 360, PS3 still has little to offer at this moment in time and doesn't look to have too bright a future apart from blu ray.
castlezelda said:
wow, sell your wii before smash brothers and mario kart even get released...some smart people we got here, r completely dump, first off they should ask us its there choice, and what should we tell 'em "no don't" guys please smarten up or get out of the form this is called wiichat.....
not "hatedwii" or "wiiflamer" wii is kicking sony and microsoft in the behind and there probably just jelous
lol dump.:ciappa:
lol, getting a 360 ruined the "wii experience" for me. The 360 and PS3 have utterly blown my mind away, around the world 4 times and back. I favor my 360 though and just got all of the Achievements on... wait a sec, I haven't answered your question...

gimme a sec...

Sell it if you don't like Nintendo franchises. Get a gaming PC and patiently wait for Spore, the god of all god games.
Nobody should have a Wii unless they like platformers, party games and love nintendo characters.
If you like making heads blow up with blood everywhere and pay $5 to cuss at people and make Jack Thompson and FOX(a.K.a ignorant war loving conservative ****tards) freak out get a 360, also if you like sports and the odd kickass game get a PS3.
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All I'm saying is, since anyone's not into SSB, sell the wii and get ps3 or 360 for hardcore gamers but its up to you. if it wasn't for blu-ray on ps3 the system would probably be toast by now. and for 360, i hear alot about this RROD, which microsoft should fix but sysems aren't about DVD, HD's or Blue-ray. its about gaming. sure its nice to play games or watch dvd or play auto cd's on a system but thats besides the point.
I would sell your wii because you dont find it very fun. time to insult people. or atleast make them feel dumb. Either way works.
Why do people come here and ask if they should sell their wii?? Can't they make their own decisions? If you don't like it get rid of it!

What do they want us to say? "Please no don't sell the Wii, we can't go on if you don't own one!!!!!"
So you never have trouble making a decision? Because the wii could get GREAT games later on he might not even know about it and regret selling it, then having a hard time trying to find the wii AND the great game thats doing so well.
wow thats the spirit....sell your wii 2 weeks before the beat game of all time is released....wow smart people.
Oh really? what game is so great? Because if you actually read, he doesnt like brawl (Which is what you were going to say dont lie) And he also said he's a hardcore gamer, mario kart ISNT hard core. not compared to the likes of ps3 and xbox 360 games.

I'm too lazy to go to the second page to put more quotes. .

End: Sell your wii unless your willing to try a last few titles like Medal of Honor 2, Mario kart, and some others that i have no clue about.
Wii is boring.....!!
.....Huh?:confused: .....YES!!!!
Wii is boring, how comes i didn't think of it!! :eek:

yes, Wii is boring, and very soon it's going to die, it's veeery boring because it's controller is like Game Cube and no-one likes it, also Wii is going to collect dust because no-one likes it and no-ones buys it!! :nonod:
Also it's games are selling very bad, that's why it's going to die like Game Cube 1.5 ..... poor Wii.....please don't die.... :sad: let my cry alone....
on the other hand, Ps3 and Xbox360 are not boring, and they selling so much better than the Wii..... :prrr:

Yeah, all this shows how boring the Wii is...... :ihih: