Wii or Revolution


WiiChat Member
Dec 6, 2006
America... =)
Sorry if this has been done before, but I was wondering-
Is it just me, or do other people like the name 'Revolution' more than Wii? I was actually disappionted when i found out that the Wii and Revolution were the same thing.

And While I am on the subject of consol name changes, which name was better-
Dolphin or Gamecube?
:) Thanks everyone :)
I would have to say at first, I hated the new name. But after listening to it and getting used to it I have to say that I like Wii a lot. And I also like the Gamecube better than the Dolphin, good job on naming Nintendo :thumbsup:
I too liked "Revolution" better. It is a great mission statement. I never have gotton over "Wii". Also, Gamecube is a ton better than dolphin.

btw, why dolphin? at least revolution meant something.
I prefer Wii. At first I didn't like it but I got used to it. It's also shorter which is nice. 'Revolution' seems like such a long word now.


'Playstation' sounds like a sex toy
At first revolution sounded cool and when i heard they changed it to wii i thought it was a mistake but after some time getting used to it, it does sound better also i like the reasoning behind how they got wii some what clever
yeahh revolution just sounds kool but wii has like MEANING with the universal meaning and the two "I"s representing the wiimotes n stuff thats pretty kool i guess soo i like wii NOW
yeah but comon you guys... it cant be revolution bcs obviosly there's a new nintendo console around the corner.. maybe with nintendo's last breath's they'll name they're next console revolution
is it just me ? i liked dolphin alot better and i mean ALOT better i like Rev better i guess im just a code name type of guy