wii haters!?

@yungblood6 WOW man you are really down about this aren't you? Excite truck was no fun to you? How far did you get? Was it too hard or did you not get the feel of the controls did not work? Street fighter is my main fighting game and I have all of them on the VC so far. As soon as 4 comes out I will get it for what ever platform I want. Like I said before Smash is going to be a pretty good game. 3rd parties will get their act together it has always been like this even on the PS2. I remember great games like toshinden...LOL Etc...

I'm not sure but It seems you have your values as a gamer and quality misplaced? You say I bought a Wii to play one game? Did you not read my post? Even if I did do such a thing then thats what I want to do why should it matter to you any way? Your hell bent on trying to hate nintendo and good for you! Or maybe your just madd that nintendo doesn't listen to you? If so you should go get a console that does listen to you. It seems you already have done this.

I want to break it down to you man I own a kick ass PC and there is no way an xbox will substitute this and the PS3 is even worst shape power wise it seems. I got every thing you play on Live pretty much and I can download content from where ever if I don't end up making it my self. Yet I realize that most gamers don't have a lot of cash. Which is the main reasoning why consoles even exist still.

It's funny because as a gamer I play old game because I still like them? If I have the money why not paid for Radient silver gun if I want to play it? Really I've actualy played most of the games I have on the VC. The carts dies or the system needs repair. Why not buy a game I can always download from nintendo if some thing happens to it? I don't know you are really treating the VC games as if they are used games which is weird. Yes you may be able to find CE of SF2 yet why not just play it on your Wii with a Hori stick?

I mean if you want nintendo to be MS then I think that is your main problem and to tell you the truth you need more than one game system. Disloyalty or anti-fan-ism seems to be what your going for. Hey it's cool if you have grips but your form of gaming is not every one form. The number prove it.

I remember when fan boys use to talk about how game play was better now you all seem to be suits oh so worried by the numbers. Gaming is loosing it's comradory it seems.

I mean calling me stupid is not going to help your case? I like online gaming so I got online gaming? I wanted real HD game so I paid for real HD gaming 3,000 dollars worth of hardware. I wanted some old school gaming so I paid for VC games. When I want metal gear I will pay for that too. Why is this a problem to you? You know stuff cost money and gaming is a luxury you know it's entertainment.

I also notice how you are trying veil your own Fanboyish comments by trying to make others choices irrational. Why do we care what you think? Nintendo doesn't have great online and all the stuff that MS has then cool yet thats not what I bought it for. I have other things that do that.

Also tell me why the games I listed are crap... Then tell me what you play .

I have to ask you what are you trying to accomplish? Who cares what nintendo makes for the Wii, as long as suda and a few others are on board then I'm fine with my purchase plus to I'm looking to get a few more neo geo games like SAMSHowdown 1-4 on the VC and maybe last retort!

This is the Wii and nothing else. I don't get mad at my sport car for not doing what a jeep can do. The Wii serves it's purpose and if you have buyers remorse then thats really your problem isn't it? My money is on old school game play for the Wii right now. All my real HD gaming money goes to the PC which has every thing you want minus the filler games I wouldn't even buy any way.

Seriously BWii is good and should be some thing we would see in more squad based games. BWii is a mix between advanced wars and a 3rd person shooter that lets you fly planes also. Maybe it's the graphic which are a turn off to you? If so I understand but hey it's just your lost isn't it? I got what I wanted and it's online with friend codes which is even better since I got two Wii here and me and my brother battle on our own TVs. It's pretty fun! It's a fresh take on the squad based games out there.

Res evil 4 was bought and loved every since just because of the better controls! That how important game play and controlls are to mean and hell it was already a great game!

GGX is my fighter till some other games come out but really it's actually a pretty good game. I have always love 2d fights rather than the 3d one. I also welcome the waggle controls since I can pull them off with the normal controller or the Wii mote set up. Actually the Wii mote controlls are a little fast for me, the same can be said with MK yet GG is more polished.

Dragon ballz Z is a game I never got into on the PS2 yet I love how they made a great 3d fighting game that actually mimics the show.

Madden... well the game was stale to me until I got to play the Wii version. The Xbox 360 version is cool but truthfully it's still just a video game and the online player are actually pretty good.

The only game I don't play is the NBA game simply because control wise it is boring. I haven't liked EAs NBA game since live 95. So much is missing from the game that could have been in there. I'm a big fan of the crossover and jump shot.

Metroid is metroid and I liked it and it was and still is a pretty good challenge.

Hell I even play red steel and almost beat it... not a bad game except for the super crack tornado spinning the controls do...LOL And the lame cut scene art and just lame-ness all the way around. Assassin creed makes up for it though. Maybe red steel should be more like that game minus the normal maps?

I'm just wondering what do you like? What systems do you like?
Bliss said:
actually it does matter, cuz 3rd party developers arent gonna sit there and waste there time drawing every lil detail for a game, when certain engines can do it for them..

So what engines do this? Lots of game are getting longer development time due to the extra details that have to be in HD games. Using normal maps is not a trivial task.

Also too automated graphics creation with out heavy tweaking is the wrong road for a artist to travel.
Here's a little dictionary help.
1. to introduce something new; make changes in anything established.
2. to introduce (something new) for or as if for the first time

Making a game show more blood or increasing graphical power or processing power is not innovation. It is evolution of a system. It is common knowledge that things will get better, faster, brighter, clearer as the are improved on. What Nintendo has done with the controls is different than what Xbox and PS2 where doing with their controls.

As far as your wet dream fantasies about PS2. The GameCube sold about 24 million units. Since Nintendo was stepping into new territory, do you think it would be wise for them to believe they would sell 4 times as many Wii's as GameCubes? No, it wouldn't be. So, they planned for a certain amount of production, 1 million a month. Now they are up to 1.8 million a month, which is a pretty good. In 5 years, they could sell over 100 million consoles.

But, it is pointless arguing with you and your conspiracy theories. Your belief that only bloody games are considered "hard core". Or that Nintendo is responsible for 3rd party laziness with game development.
Bwii was a joke how do you have a team strategy game with no voice chat?

I get it you haven't even played it have you? This game doesn't need team based chat? WTF are you talking about man? You control the whole team! When you play against some one else they control the whole team!

You sound like an owner of another system that has not played these games he hates. I mean really why does Bwii need voice chat? Have you even played advance wars?

You really are starting to sound like your making claims base of other reviews. You say the same uninformed stuff other haters do. Bwii is not for every one and snipping, camping is not an option. You have tanks planes and naval attacks raining on you at the same time if they are all in the same map.

The game is solid and is actually a reason why I was excited for what bungie wanted to put in halo a long time ago. If you look back they wanted the halo to be navigated by a commander that would assign jobs for you to do. The idea was a lot like Bwii with out the cartoon graphics. In fact thats the same reason why I wanted halo until it became just another FPS. You may not like this game but it's exactly what I wanted. Also too Kuju did a great job on the game and you may actually be surprised at how good the graphics are.

All of these games I own will get played for many years and thats why I bought them. I was just at game stop and Mass effect is already up for trade in! Thats not good! Bwii is a very hardcore game IMO. Excite truck is a very good hardcore game also and is no walk in the park and sport some great graphics for the under power little white box.

Really I came into this not really thinking I would like a lot of these games buy thats why I actually play them so I want get on the internet and look like a jerk.
LoganSix said:
Here's a little dictionary help.
1. to introduce something new; make changes in anything established.
2. to introduce (something new) for or as if for the first time

Making a game show more blood or increasing graphical power or processing power is not innovation. It is evolution of a system. It is common knowledge that things will get better, faster, brighter, clearer as the are improved on. What Nintendo has done with the controls is different than what Xbox and PS2 where doing with their controls.

As far as your wet dream fantasies about PS2. The GameCube sold about 24 million units. Since Nintendo was stepping into new territory, do you think it would be wise for them to believe they would sell 4 times as many Wii's as GameCubes? No, it wouldn't be. So, they planned for a certain amount of production, 1 million a month. Now they are up to 1.8 million a month, which is a pretty good. In 5 years, they could sell over 100 million consoles.

But, it is pointless arguing with you and your conspiracy theories. Your belief that only bloody games are considered "hard core". Or that Nintendo is responsible for 3rd party laziness with game development.

Great post man. Yet their is plenty of bloody game play to be had in the future. I just think he has a problem believing that gamers actually want to play the Wii for what it is right now... Which is a good game console nothing more.

I also welcome the new comers even though I may not play their games. Gaming is not a frat activity. Exclusion of certain types of games leads to the kind of frustration is he suffering from. Thanks to his friends he must get the same lame comment thrown at him. Either he is just not the gamer he claims to be and is really just a PC gamer thats playing on the cheap side of things.He has a bone to pick for some reason.I'm not sure why but why tell a bunch of Wii fans about it? He wants nintendo to be wrong since he is so right. So far I'm fine with what the system is and it is not the end all be all system for a gamer such as my self. If thats what you wanted for 250 then you have serious problem. What he wants will cost you way more! Hell at 250 I actually have two.

I mean really Krazy Ken said it best you better get another job!
Bradwest96 said:
Ya, I know a lot of people who hate the Wii. But, the Wii is cheaper, has just as good graphics, and much greater gameplay. It gets you moving and standing up. Unlike if you have a PS3, just sitting there with the controller in their hands.
welcome. anyway i got this to say get off wii haters
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Here are the estimates I'm putting out based on current sales and production amounts. If the Wii keeps selling out month on month and... and... they do the price drop(Price drop is crucial) I estimate at least 50 million by the end of next year. Currently Nintendo is producing 1.8 million Wii's a month and is still selling out. If you have been following the recent sales of the NPD they are almost at 17 million units. They may even be around 18 million by the end of this month. If anyone says 15 million for current sales, they did not factor in the Thanksgiving 1 million units results. Nintendo broke 15 million back around late October, early November.

50 million Wii's Dec/31/2008

sagema said:
50 million Wii's Dec/31/2008

Um, Nintendo would have bump production to over 2 million to sell 50 million in two years. 1 million (2006) + 17 million (2007) + 24 million (2008) = 42 million.

And, I really can't see them dropping the price when they are still selling out.
I don't think they will drop the price in 2008, especially after WiiFit comes out and gets the non-traditional gamer market buzzing even more.
WiitnessID said:
So if your friends have a porshe and you don't are you going to let them look down on your purchase?

You should be playing the games rather than getting your friend approval. I mean come on this is just like TV,car, penis envy! Just let me know when I can have more fun on the HD systems. Thats all I care about!

It's really weird how gaming is more of a social status thing now. I almost liked it better when every one was an out right nerd about it. Now we have guys dealing with justifying their hobby to outsiders and tech elites all looking for a way to figure out why they are still gaming it seems. Then some games come along to make you forget that stuff!
I wonder if your friend will still be complaining when brawl comes out?

I still want a Wii regardless what my friends say. I always say gameplay is better than graphics, for instance I liked Sonic Adventure 2 battle better than the ones for PS3 and 360.
LoganSix said:
Here's a little dictionary help.
1. to introduce something new; make changes in anything established.
2. to introduce (something new) for or as if for the first time

Making a game show more blood or increasing graphical power or processing power is not innovation. It is evolution of a system. It is common knowledge that things will get better, faster, brighter, clearer as the are improved on. What Nintendo has done with the controls is different than what Xbox and PS2 where doing with their controls.

As far as your wet dream fantasies about PS2. The GameCube sold about 24 million units. Since Nintendo was stepping into new territory, do you think it would be wise for them to believe they would sell 4 times as many Wii's as GameCubes? No, it wouldn't be. So, they planned for a certain amount of production, 1 million a month. Now they are up to 1.8 million a month, which is a pretty good. In 5 years, they could sell over 100 million consoles.

But, it is pointless arguing with you and your conspiracy theories. Your belief that only bloody games are considered "hard core". Or that Nintendo is responsible for 3rd party laziness with game development.
dude you are like the most retarded person i have argued with on here how many times do i got to say its not about blood or hd graphics i have said time and time again games can look good on the wii look at the ones made by nintendo , and look at the party games for the wii how is that innovation when they are all the damn same game in basic. When have you ever seen me say the wii needs a shooter, when have you ever seen me say they need more blood and guts, when have you ever seen me say that maybe you should click on my name and look at my posts because its obvious you don't read because you wouldnt keep saying that dumb ****. I guess that its warped in your brain that hardcore is about blood and guts maybe where you are from but thats not what its about where im from its about thought process put into a game and good developement. and onece again you have to use a 360 or ps3 to base your argument on. I got quarrels with those systems as well but i don't need another system to justify my dislikes for this system. its just when you fanboys try to say biased untrue things about the system thats when i speak, i do the same on the other forums when they say biased and untrue things about the wii, but unfortunatly most of them are true not all of them but most of them.

Logan i don't know where you got that i need blood and guts in my game but you are a sick individual to think thats what hardcore gaming is. its like i said i wasnt the one that said all the core gamer has on the wii is mario and brawl that was nintendos own reggie that said that i actually said most of nintendo's games can be geard towards the core but the thirdparty games are garbage. There is no thought process put into wii play or carnival games and the others that copy of that. those games in its basic for are games that you find on internet sites that you play to pass time at work or school.
Now you think the wii has been so innovating show me a third party game that did something differnt and did it well other than zack? matter of fact don't show me i done talking to you somebody else show me that has a brain and is not stuck on stupid, and actually reads posts before he comments
WiitnessID said:
Great post man. Yet their is plenty of bloody game play to be had in the future. I just think he has a problem believing that gamers actually want to play the Wii for what it is right now... Which is a good game console nothing more.

I also welcome the new comers even though I may not play their games. Gaming is not a frat activity. Exclusion of certain types of games leads to the kind of frustration is he suffering from. Thanks to his friends he must get the same lame comment thrown at him. Either he is just not the gamer he claims to be and is really just a PC gamer thats playing on the cheap side of things.He has a bone to pick for some reason.I'm not sure why but why tell a bunch of Wii fans about it? He wants nintendo to be wrong since he is so right. So far I'm fine with what the system is and it is not the end all be all system for a gamer such as my self. If thats what you wanted for 250 then you have serious problem. What he wants will cost you way more! Hell at 250 I actually have two.

I mean really Krazy Ken said it best you better get another job!
no what i want won't cost me way more even though i have all three so whats your point, the wii can be better than what it is but to just overload the consoles with casual games and then say the core is only a small fraction of the market is just stupidity. nintendo makes great games period, but for the wii other developers need to get on nintendos level. even nintendo said the developement for the wii needs to get better and not just be about throwing games on because the wii sells well, so are you going to argue with them and call them stupid too.
yungblood6 said:
dude you are like the most retarded person i have argued with on here how many times do i got to say its not about blood or hd graphics i have said time and time again games can look good on the wii look at the ones made by nintendo , and look at the party games for the wii how is that innovation when they are all the damn same game in basic. When have you ever seen me say the wii needs a shooter, when have you ever seen me say they need more blood and guts, when have you ever seen me say that maybe you should click on my name and look at my posts because its obvious you don't read because you wouldnt keep saying that dumb ****. I guess that its warped in your brain that hardcore is about blood and guts maybe where you are from but thats not what its about where im from its about thought process put into a game and good developement. and onece again you have to use a 360 or ps3 to base your argument on. I got quarrels with those systems as well but i don't need another system to justify my dislikes for this system. its just when you fanboys try to say biased untrue things about the system thats when i speak, i do the same on the other forums when they say biased and untrue things about the wii, but unfortunatly most of them are true not all of them but most of them.

Logan i don't know where you got that i need blood and guts in my game but you are a sick individual to think thats what hardcore gaming is. its like i said i wasnt the one that said all the core gamer has on the wii is mario and brawl that was nintendos own reggie that said that i actually said most of nintendo's games can be geard towards the core but the thirdparty games are garbage. There is no thought process put into wii play or carnival games and the others that copy of that. those games in its basic for are games that you find on internet sites that you play to pass time at work or school.
Now you think the wii has been so innovating show me a third party game that did something differnt and did it well other than zack? matter of fact don't show me i done talking to you somebody else show me that has a brain and is not stuck on stupid, and actually reads posts before he comments

I have to say, Youngblood6, that you would get a better responce if you treated people with a little more respect in your posts.

For the most part, all I feel is great anger in you posts, great anger and hostility, and that is why you are getting such negetive reactions to you posts.

With that said, I actualy AGREE with most of what you say about the wii and Nintendo. But it comes a time when complaining about its flaws and the third party issues gets pointless. We needs to actualy DO something about the problem. I don't have a solution right now, but we have to act now if we want the wii to be treated better. This is why I don't say anything more about the issue, cuz I have said all that could be said, anything more is just beating a dead horse.
yungblood6 said:
its simple because there isnt one that is better. Zack and wiki came close but at its core its still just a puzzle game, Resident evil is a good game but lets just face it its still the same game it was 3 years ago, umbrella chronicles is just a rail shooter that will keep your attention for about a week, geomatry wars was done already, medal of honor looks horrible only thing good about that game was controls and it still doesnt compare to metroid, Bwii was a joke how do you have a team strategy game with no voice chat? and then there you go back to what nintendo brings out, and whats not out, mario kart and smash bros are the only games that have official release dates, and animal crossing hasnt even started its main developement so thats probely won't be seen till this spring. so yet again please show me a game on the wii not made by nintendo that doesnt have to be better but equal to the nintendo games thats out, or i tried to give you an alternative find a game on the wii that other than zack and wiki that has more innovation, more thought and better gameplay then those games i mentioned earlier. This is your chance to shut me up and no one is yet to do it.

Remember this is just your opinion, all of these games that are "jokes" to you aren't to other people.
Tell me where I am missing your argument.

You basic arguments is that Wii is a fad that will die before summer 2008, Nintendo is neglecting the "hard core" gamer, and the Wii is not a good system for gaming.

Your main points :

Nintendo is purposely holding back supply in order to hype the Wii.
Your proof : none
My Argument : Nintendo has gone from making 1 million Wii's a month, to 1.4, to 1.8 in less than a year's supply. It is selling 2 to 4 times faster than both of the "current" consoles. It is on track to sell more than 100 million units in 5 years (which took the PS2 6 years to reach).
Your Rebuttal : It's a conspiracy, don't pay attention to the media.

Third party developers are not creating games for the "hard core" gamer, they are not challenging.

Your proof : Wii doesn't have some sort of game that you like that's on the PS2 or XBox
My Argument : Because of the belief that the Wii would not sell, Third Party game developers held off on developing games for the Wii. By the summer (6 months into the 1st year of the Wii) large Third Party gaming companies started admitting their mistake for not developing for the Wii. Since they only admitted it a few months ago, you don't want them cranking out crappy games real quick, so it will take time. Currently, there doesn't seem to be those great games on either the XBox360 nor the PS3, cause everyone is saying, wait until '08 for the PS3 games.
Your Rebuttal : All the current games not from Nintendo suck. The PS2 has the most awesome games

Nintendo didn't build the Wii to play "hard core" games. The graphics on the PS3 and XBox360 are "innovative" and much better than the Wii.
Your proof : The hardware specs of the Wii are lower than the XBox360 and the PS3. The Wii is not in HD.
My Argument : While the Wii may not be as powerful as the XBox360 or PS3, it is more powerful than the previous generation consoles (including the PS2). However, Metriod Prime 3's layering techniques and Mario Galaxy prove that good looking games can be made for the Wii. Both games are the most highly rated games of the year. Yes, the Third Parties have yet to match that quality, but let's go back to previous point to find out why.
Your Rebuttal : Those games are cartoonish. Only Nintendo can make those games.

Games for the Wii are "kiddie" or "party games", Nintendo is losing the "hard core" gamer.
Your proof : There are bunch of games you don't like. Mostly because you have to play them by yourself in your home.
My Argument : The Wii is geared towards the non-traditional gamer. Why did Nintendo do this? For the money, just like any other company trying to stay afloat. Back in the early days of consoles, games were meant for the entire family, not just 18-30 year old males. Those were Atari/Coleco/Commador/Nintendo's bread and butter people. So, the Wii opens gaming back up to those people again. The people first playing video games back in the 70's are now over 35 years old. I would say that Nintendo is going back to their roots.

And what do those people like to do? Have friends over. Have something to entertain their kids. So, yes, there are a lot of party games, but that's what the casual gamer wants to get back into gaming and then they'll buy other games beyond that. Of course, there's that Third Party issues mentioned back a couple of points ago. Between my sister (45), my brother (39), and myself (36) we "casual" gamers own 13 games beyond Wii Sports.
Your Rebuttal : I hate casual games, they bore me.

The XBox 360 and PS3 are just as much for casual gamers as the Wii
Your proof : Something about some games geared towards casual gamers.
My Argument : The proof is in the advertising. Sony, well who can understand Sony's adds for the PS3. Crying evil babies does not lean towards casual gamer. The XBox, the only commercial I recall seeing is the one with a bunch of single males yelling at each other about dieing while playing a video game. The Wii, "We would like to play." Multiple commercials showing different age ranges and genders playing together with the Wii.
Your Rebuttal : None.

If I have missed any of your points. Please bullet list them and I'll get to them later. I have to go. I actually have friends to go see this morning that live in the same zip code.
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