The name "Wii"?

linkzeldagame said:
lol i like the joke part about the XBOX '360' where you don't really move at all after doing all this work. Sums up what the XBOX 360 is all about, along with its launch titles like fight night and perfect dark zero.

I have played XBOX 360 at uni and as much as I hate to say it they haven't improved on the controller at all and i still find it's hard to get used to lol. Fight night does highlight that aspect of the XBOX 360 - you have to use the joystick all the time and it feels awkward. I'd rather play fight night on the wii... If it came out on the wii!

Btw, N64 was fairly creative as it had super mario 64 and zelda OoT and they were great games! I'm likely to get flamed for this but this is my opinion on the '64.

Speaking of microsoft making their game console XBOX 360 it still sucks of originality and the PS3 also sucks as well. How about calling it 'Ken Kutaragi's biggest blunder' that would sound alot better than PS3. And people can make jokes out of it.

linkzeldagame said:
By the way the wee sucks because it doesn't have mega cool graphics so we can't expect to have pixar quality based games on our wee...

Overall all consoles suck because there's real improvement at all - the wee has a gimmick that it relies on for its profitability and popularity and wiill to once become as popular as the NES. Maybe Nintendo should focus on making games like Sega is doing now and leave the console design and marketing to microsoft or sony...

W!! suxorz / roxorz which way do you look at it??

Wow, you're positive.:lol:

Just a few problems I have with your comments. First, you critisize the Xbox 360 and PS3 for not being original enough but then you critisize Wii (which you spell incorrectly as wee) for being gimicky and not have as good of graphics as the Xbox 360 and PS3.

I understand you're playing devil's advocate when talking about Wii because otherwise, you wouldn't be here on WiiChat, but then you say Wii will suck because it won't be able to have games that look like a Pixar movie? Seriously, did you ever see a little game called Super Mario Sunshine for the Gamecube? And we all know Wii is going to be a little bit more powerful than the Xbox, let alone the Gamecube. Super Mario Galaxy looks like it could be a Pixar film, correct? Besides, I don't want all the games to look like some Disney movie, I want some style, like what Viewtiful Joe has or some realism, which Farcry will definitly have.

Just wondering, why did you write the word Wii as wee? And about marketing, I've hardly seen an Xbox 360 commercials and 0 PS3 commercials. Though I do think Nintendo is trying too hard with their Brain Age commercials that are targeted at adults, I like their DS addes, especially the one's where they super-impose people into a videogame world. Nintendo, in my opinion, has some of the best commercials around.

Remember this one?:D
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i totally remember that! i remember talking about it in elementary school and people looking at me weird:lol: i loved that commercial!
Well, I liked it and I want to put one... NateTheGreat how do u put those videos there?
Go to and do a search for whatever you're looking for. Then, copy the url address and paste it into your post. Then highlight the url in your post and click that icon that looks like a blue "M". Then, post it and make sure that it actually works.

If you have the video on your computer, you can upload it to WiiChat, but it won't be viewable on the page; it would have to be downloaded. A better idea is to get a youtube account (which is completly free) and then upload your video to youtube, so it came be seen on the page, like the commercial I posted (the german one that actually plays).

Hope that made sense.:)

Well look to this video
The name Wii is very good I think, first easy to pronounce no matter what language you speak, 2 no abbreviations needed(on a side note, abbreviation needs one itself, kinda and oxymoron huh), and 3 if you don't like it Wii don't care get whatever you want and cry later when no-one is making games for it since everyone who touches the Wii loves it. oh and the ii are people, look at the official Nintendo video and you see the ii hop around and play games with another set of ii eventually.
At first i thought the name wii sucked, but over time it's grown on me and now i like it
Sorry, but I've never liked the name Wii. It's basically ammo for people who think Nintendo is for kids and just plain embarrasing when talking to non-gamers. I know it sounds superficial, but personally I think it was a very bad idea and it could cost Nintendo a lot of potential sales in English speaking countries.

And who cares if you don't have to abbreviate it? 'Xbox' isn't abbreviated either.
It's just another great and admittidly goofy console name.

Xbox, Playstation, Dreamcast, Famicon, N64, Atari 2600; all names that we all know and love. Wii is really only bad in America because people have their minds in the gutter and can't just think of it like, for example, going down a slide and saying Weeee!

I remember when I first read it, I said "double u double i"? I thought they were trying to make a point about something but I didn't know what.

When I heard how it was pronounced, I thought they were trying to get more French fans because it sounds like "oui" or yes in French.

I liked Revolution too, but it's Wii now and Wii forever and it's name is like it's control system and concept: completly new and unique.