Wii tragedy

That is a horrible story....they are basically drowning themselfs....I've heard of this from fraternities....making people funnel to much water and the drown :(
I can't believe this stupid radio station didn't ask one medical professional before this contest. I hope her family sues the pants off them (though they probably made contestants sign a waiver)

why do radio stations always have these over the top ridiculous contests? It's never TV or magazines, it's always radio stations. Ironically, these contests are least interesting on radio because you can't see what is happening.
acphydro said:
Point is: No one can make you do anything you don't want to. If you do so, it is your fault, can't blame your actions on someone else regardless of the risks involved or the prizes.

Well, I'm sure this woman did not WANT to die, if she would have known the risk. But the radiostation should have warned the contestants up front about the risks. If they had the contestants could not have made a true CHOICE to do it or not. Thats basically the same as forcing people to do it (lying about or denying the danger). Basically doing this kind of stupid stunt is dangerous and anyone who organises these things is responsible for the outcome.

Dying from water intoxication doesnt have anything to do with drowning or a bursting blatter. Your cells simply burst.
r00ntje said:
Well, I'm sure this woman did not WANT to die, if she would have known the risk. But the radiostation should have warned the contestants up front about the risks. If they had the contestants could not have made a true CHOICE to do it or not. Thats basically the same as forcing people to do it (lying about or denying the danger). Basically doing this kind of stupid stunt is dangerous and anyone who organises these things is responsible for the outcome.

Dying from water intoxication doesnt have anything to do with drowning or a bursting blatter. Your cells simply burst.

Well I'm quite sure she didn't WANT to die. Just because the radio station is having the contest doesn't mean they need to look it up to see what the risks are. I mean if I hold a contest it's not my responsibility to tell contestants what the risks are especially on something so simple as drinking water, holding bladder, doing push ups until you can do no more etc. Contestants should inform themselves of the situation and etc. Look up information etc. I'm sure the radio station thought it harmless just as the majority of the contestants did. Sure the radio station could have looked up risks and decided not to do it, but ultimately its your choice whether or not to do anything, and in this case her decision was fatal. All for a Wii.
Hey I am ignorant and never heard that guns could kill people. Oh you heard it is dangerous? No, dont worry I am sure they are safe. Lets hold a contest. All put the barrel of a gun in our mouths and see who can pull the trigger the fastest.

See any analogy in this?

You hold the contest. You say it is safe. You are responsable.
i believe it bassically flushes all the salts out of you doesnt it, your body cant live without salts. and then there is the osmotic pressure. 14 litres is about enough to do it i believe. It should have been known about. But it is strange for you to be able to drink that much water, eventually the body should reject it and make you vomit/pass out.
I found it strange that the ladies last name is strange ...
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acphydro said:
Well I'm quite sure she didn't WANT to die. Just because the radio station is having the contest doesn't mean they need to look it up to see what the risks are. I mean if I hold a contest it's not my responsibility to tell contestants what the risks are especially on something so simple as drinking water, holding bladder, doing push ups until you can do no more etc. Contestants should inform themselves of the situation and etc. Look up information etc. I'm sure the radio station thought it harmless just as the majority of the contestants did. Sure the radio station could have looked up risks and decided not to do it, but ultimately its your choice whether or not to do anything, and in this case her decision was fatal. All for a Wii.

Yeah, IANAL, but I'm pretty sure there's a legitmate case against the station here.

Sure, the radio station didn't force anyone here, but they opened it up to the public, and didn't warn anyone of the potential risks.

That screams liability to me.

I hope her family is EXTREMELY well compensated.

How do you replace a mother/wife?
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ClawiLewak said:
i believe it bassically flushes all the salts out of you doesnt it, your body cant live without salts. and then there is the osmotic pressure. 14 litres is about enough to do it i believe. It should have been known about. But it is strange for you to be able to drink that much water, eventually the body should reject it and make you vomit/pass out.

IIRC, it causes brain swelling.
I could've pwned that contest. I've held my piss for over three days once. (It was a bet.)

Poor girl, poor family. They'll be in my prayers.