Wiimotes and Lightning

vagrant said:
Well for one noone considered that because the guy said his wii was working fine just not the wiimotes. And if lightning shorted anything out...the bluetooth would be the last thing to go.

And yes you are an idiot.

Vagrant, dude, I thought we were friends. o_O;
Why you gotta insult me like that? What's the purpose?
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It may have corrupted your wiimote. Got into the connection. I'm not sure, but I recomend when there is a lighting storm, to shut off all electronics. We always shut them off, especialy the computer, since they are so expensive.
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Well I like some of the ideas, but I still haven't found a correct answer. I got the controllers to work after we kept it off for a bit. The batteries were just replaced both this happened.
Then, it was brobably just some minor circuit screw up, for a bit. It must of like... The lighting overheated it, and it needed a cool down..
Jenslin said:
Well I like some of the ideas, but I still haven't found a correct answer. I got the controllers to work after we kept it off for a bit. The batteries were just replaced both this happened.
So, they work now?
That's good. ^^;
I was gonna suggest next, that I didn't know what was happening but you could try re-syncing them, but I guess there's no need.

So, Vagrant, wanna insult me for that too? I still don't get why you did it in the first place, there was no purpose besides trying to make yourself feel "dominant."
bwahahaha, Vagrant, apologizing??? that's not the guy who deserted this place 4 months ago.

meh, glad to see the mote's are working now.