Your opinion of guns

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  • #46
sremick said:
Well when you figure out how to un-invent them, let us know.

Meanwhile, like I said: gun-control laws just ensure that victims don't have guns. They don't keep guns out of the hands of criminals, who by-definition have no regard for the law to begin with. And what they intend on doing with the gun (theft, rape, murder, etc) is already against the law.

Haha, not going that far, deary. We have to bail you guys out of wars somehow. ;)

I'm quite happy with the laws in the UK, they're one of the most strict countries when it comes to handling guns, and I like it that way. I just think that everyone should go through the same procedures when giving out a gun.
Gikoku said:
there's alot of people out there who are poorly skilled with a gun, making the chance for survival against them that much easier.

You can have a gun, but it doesn't make you invincible, especially if you don't know how to properly use one.
Which is why everyone who owns a gun should actually target-practice with it once in a while.

Although, honestly in most self-defense situations, the distances are close-enough that "aim" really isn't a big issue. And most of the time, the gun doesn't even need to be fired. It's its presence in the hands of the intended victim that turns the tide and changes the outcome from tragedy to justice.
sremick said:
For or against what?

Just because you don't like that I don't think someone swinging a sword has much/any defense against someone with a gun out of sword's reach doesn't make all my comments "pointless". Sorry if that hurt your feelings, but methinks you've been watching too much anime and have built up illusions of grandeur about ninjas and such. Might I ask how old you are?

I didn't say I don't like it, that's your opinion. You didn't hurt my feelings either, to be honest I'm not bothered what you think. I watch anime sometimes, are you saying I'm not allowed to try ninjutsu for a hobby or an interest.
How old Am I? Well I joined the army when I was 19, and I've been there for 12 years, can you do the math?
Frogger said:
Haha, not going that far, deary. We have to bail you guys out of wars somehow. ;)
Heh, don't try to extrapolate my view on the USA's current wars from my stance on guns. ;)

I'm quite happy with the laws in the UK, they're one of the most strict countries when it comes to handling guns, and I like it that way. I just think that everyone should go through the same procedures when giving out a gun.
I confess to not actually knowing what the laws are in the UK in regards to ownership, possession, carrying, etc. Can you enlighten me/us?

I know a self-defense weapon is of no use if it's locked up at home while you're in the alley with a rapist approaching you.

As far as laws go... every time there's a shooting, tons cry out "more/stricter gun-control laws!". Whatever. The irony is, the laws they were proposing after the Virginia Tech shooting were useless as the shooter would've met all the criteria of the proposed laws and still been able to obtain a gun. Meanwhile, tobacco kills over 400,000 people a year but you only have to be 18+ to buy it, that's it. Where are the (proportional) cries for stricter tobacco laws?
Aside from it being not only a constitutional amendment but the second one, the criminals will always have guns. No matter what laws you inact, no matter how many you destroy, no matter how hard you fight it, criminals will always have guns. I would rather even the playing field and not be a victim of an armed criminal. You might argue to call the police, but they are minuets away when seconds matter. Seriously think about how well you could reason with an armed criminal who's intent is to harm you if you don't have a gun yourself. Criminals look for easy targets, if they think you pose minimal threat then you will be a prime target. If they suspect or know you have a gun, unless they have a death wish aren't going to mess with you. Guns are not evil people who use them for crimes are. Anyone can use a kitchen knife, screw driver, car, baseball bat as a leathal weapon. They aren't suppose to be for killing but they can be, should we ban those too? Guns are a tool for survial and protection and recreation. Just because someone bashed anothers head in with a baseball bat doesn't make the bat evil now does it?
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sremick said:
Which is why everyone who owns a gun should actually target-practice with it once in a while.

Although, honestly in most self-defense situations, the distances are close-enough that "aim" really isn't a big issue. And most of the time, the gun doesn't even need to be fired. It's its presence in the hands of the intended victim that turns the tide and changes the outcome from tragedy to justice.

That is true. For alot of people out there, the presence of a gun being pulled on you can pretty easily cause one to freeze up, and lose their calm state of mind ... and thus easily making the gunman the victor. However, that can only be said for a majority, as opposed to a smaller population who wouldn't react in the same manner.

There's also the chance of the gunman not even having the guts to pull the trigger as well.
Foosoo said:
I watch anime sometimes, are you saying I'm not allowed to try ninjutsu for a hobby or an interest.
No, I was just trying to ferret out the source of your unrealistic placement of faith on any historical martial-art paired against a modern weapon.

While Taekwon-Do, karate, judo, and even ninjitsu might have some value and their place in a purely-physical confrontation, they have virtually no value against a modern bullet-weapon except in the extremely-rare incidents where you have time and distance to respond before the attacker can draw the weapon and point it at you.

Once you're looking down the barrel and his finger is on the trigger, you lose.
I would like you to point out where I said that japanese fighting styles beat modern weapons. I have used rifles and pistols for 12 years and I know for a fact that martial arts weaponry has no chance against a gun, unless the attacker cannot draw his gun quick enough to beat a sword. I agree that guns are bad, but I had to use them.
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  • #54
sremick said:
Heh, don't try to extrapolate my view on the USA's current wars from my stance on guns. ;)

I confess to not actually knowing what the laws are in the UK in regards to ownership, possession, carrying, etc. Can you enlighten me/us?

I know a self-defense weapon is of no use if it's locked up at home while you're in the alley with a rapist approaching you.

As far as laws go... every time there's a shooting, tons cry out "more/stricter gun-control laws!". Whatever. The irony is, the laws they were proposing after the Virginia Tech shooting were useless as the shooter would've met all the criteria of the proposed laws and still been able to obtain a gun. Meanwhile, tobacco kills over 400,000 people a year but you only have to be 18+ to buy it, that's it. Where are the (proportional) cries for stricter tobacco laws?

Well, I've basically outlined it in the original post what you need to be licensed to carry a gun, and as long as these are checked regularly, I don't see the problem if you can obtain a gun, farmers, and such. My great uncle or something like that owns a farm and I never knew there were any guns in the house, but there was an entire part where I wasn't allowed to go, and presumably, that's where they were held, so that's quite safe, I can deal with that.

Police aren't allowed to carry guns on the streets unless they are called for backup if a case is really that serious, meanwhile they can get help from the other officers in the area, I can say that numbers do get you places as well. They have defense weapons when they need them, I think they can handle and restrain people well enough.

So, we don't have target practice or stuff like that unless you're using it for a purpose, like your job, so they could end up being useful. I don't see what the fun is with going to a range, although it doesn't bother me, but these things get into the wrong hands too often.

We have very very little gun crimes, it's controlled well enough.

Enjoy this if you need more.

So yeah, I have to do my art homework right now.
Frogger said:
Police aren't allowed to carry guns on the streets unless they are called for backup if a case is really that serious, meanwhile they can get help from the other officers in the area, I can say that numbers do get you places as well. They have defense weapons when they need them, I think they can handle and restrain people well enough.
So faced with a criminal with a gun, explosive device, or other non-gun deadly-weapon, what do they do? How many people need to die before someone can fetch a pistol from HQ and address the situation?

I don't see what the fun is with going to a range
The "fun" is simply the sense of accomplishment. Like practicing putting out a fire. The purpose is to become comfortable and familiar with the device you might depend on to save your life (or that of others).

We have very very little gun crimes, it's controlled well enough.

Lower gun crimes, but you do realize that the UK has a higher overall crime-rate than the USA, right?

Gun-owning potential victims deter crime.

And note that Vermont has much-lower crime than most of the rest of the USA, and we have the most-relaxed gun laws. I'd be interested in comparing Vermont against the UK, if I can dig up some statistics...
HyPeRsHoCk said:
I'm planning to buy an M9 sidearm when I hit 18. I believe in America I can actually walk around with a concealed weapon.

Thats great that you plan to get a gun, just make sure you practice and be safe with it. To legally get a concealed permit you have to take a class and get licensed. Not all states, but most allow this. Most states have open carry laws, where you can walk down the street with a gun in plain view, while it may be legal I don't suggest it. People are too finicky and the police will be hassling you. You have to be 21. I don't belive armed forces can carry concealed off duty especially under the age of 21. You can get shot guns and rifles at age 18 though.
HyPeRsHoCk said:
Ya, it's kind of weird how you have to be 21 to buy fireworks, but you can get a shotty at 18 lol.:lol:

21 to buy fire works???? WOW What state are you in? Maybe things have changed since I was younger but I've bought fireworks every year of my life prior to 21.