Your opinion of guns

My problem with tasers is that, instead of being used as a replacement for guns, they're being used as a replacement for everything, with total disregard to the fact that tasers can kill.
Frogger said:
Deary! The point in this thread was a debate, I in fact, asked for everyone's opinion on the matter, there is no right or wrong way of doing this, I just think the UK has a slightly better way which I much prefer to other countries.

And yeah, compared to the US gun crimes, we're so much better off.

I dissagree. See sremick's charts above. Crime has risen since the UK has banned guns. Thats fine if you want to state your opinion on the matter, I am just a fact guy and the facts disprove your opinion. My opinion on the matter is to look at the facts before making a judgment.
I've got a BB gun.

Pew pew pew~!

I shoot Root Beer cans, Cardboard Santa Clauses, and the Pringle's guy.

I think they're nifty when used for sport and recreation (but I couldn't bring myself to shoot an innocent animal D: )..

But when used on other people is a no-no.

There's my two cents.
I was going to come back and address the meat of the thread, but after reading some of the posts, I'm not going to bother. Maybe when I'm not so tired, but for now I'll leave you guys to "debate" your opinions. I'll give you this though.

I use my firearms mainly for target shooting, but I do use them for hunting occasionally. Firearms have been a part of my life since the age of 5, with my dad owning firearms since before I was born. So, essentially, firearms will be a part of my life until I can no longer use them.
Sparx said:
You gotta have a gun in Kennesaw? Or what?? They'll put you in jail?

Wow...what retards.

Presumably they shoot you? :lol:

I would not want to live in a place like that. Anyone with mental problems has access to a deadly weapon by law, and can thus easily kill me or anyone else. And before you say, "I would have a gun too, so I can defend myself!", there's always the chance I might not see it coming, e.g. the shooter might have done from a position where I couldn't see them, they could pull out their gun and suddenly fire, or I could even get hit by a stray bullet intended for someone else. "But even if guns are banned some people would still get hold of them anyway!". True, but the chances of them having a gun are considerably slimmer.
sremick said:
Where is the evidence to support your claim? The stats I keep finding (and presenting here) support my side. Your theory might work in a simplified ideal world, but in reality the situation is a lot more-complicated and the real-world experiments of trying both versions have proven that a society where the average citizen is free to own guns is safer than one that tries to limit/ban them.

What about the stats Frogger posted in the very first post?

For me it's pretty black and white:

Guns kill people. A hell of a lot of them. Sure, there are instances where it'd be handy for the "good guy" to get a gun, but the "bad guy" would also be quite likely to have one.

Like the stats say... less guns... less murders.

In the UK and Australia, it's hard to get hold of a gun. In my city - the capital of the state - I can only remember one shooting. There have also been very few murders here. Trend? You'll find that frequency of murder and availability to guns are proportional in many parts of the world.

I can only see it logically from my point of view...

No guns -> Less murder.

Isn't that good?
The problem that most people would find here (in the UK), if they were allowed to use a gun, is that if someone broke into their house and they shot them, they would probably get sued by the robber. It sounds pathetic, but it happens.

There have been other cases that someone got robbed, but the victim hit the robbers, then got punished. Duncan Ferguson (a psycho football player) beat up two men who attempted to rob his house. He was punished.
Why couldn't you have told me about this? You never do. =(

I don't have time to read all this, so I'm holding off.

I am just going to say, is that the original reason us americans 'have the right to bear arms' is so that the government isn't the only one with guns. We're supposed to even it out.

But for the record, I am all for of using any kind of weapon for self-defense, gun or otherwise.
TacosTacos said:
You've never actually had a gun pulled on you have you?
Exactly, that is the advantage of living in a country with minimal gun usage.

That's why I like living in Australia, I feel secure. I can feel safe going to University every day without the threat of some delusional student gunning down me or my peers.

Look up your crime statistics. The UK's crime increased after banning guns to citizens. Same thing with Australia.
You seem very confident, could you show me any of these Australian stats.
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I don't think they should have laws banning guns because then the only ones that would remain are the ones in the black market. So then only the criminals would have guns and people couldn't defend themselves as easily.

If there weren't any guns on the black market then I would support a gun ban but thats kinda impossible.
Lewi T said:
The problem that most people would find here (in the UK), if they were allowed to use a gun, is that if someone broke into their house and they shot them, they would probably get sued by the robber. It sounds pathetic, but it happens.

There have been other cases that someone got robbed, but the victim hit the robbers, then got punished. Duncan Ferguson (a psycho football player) beat up two men who attempted to rob his house. He was punished.

That happens sometimes in the US as well. But would you rather be judged by 12 or carried by 6? (we have 12 on the jury I'm not sure about you guys) Not all of our states have this one law called "The Castle Doctrine" where you have no duty to flee your own home in the event of a break in but have every right to stay and stand your ground. Most potential victims are safe under that law.
Hehe..when I was a kid I thought the Black Market was like a grocery store but it sells guns and grenades and stuff like that.
Whew, that was a lot of reading.

-I like guns, I am gun knowledgable, I am an above average shot, I am in a gun club...yay

Just to get this straight, I'll outline the points and counter points...just to straighten it out for myself.

-I believe that gun availability DOES increase gun crime potential.
-But I also believe criminals overwhelmingly achieve their guns through illegal means, and stronger anti(eye)-gun laws would do virtually nothing to deter them. Not to mention the force that is the victim also carrying a gun.

-Completely off the topic of crime.

-I hunt occasionally, and have killed a deer, few rabbits, squirrels...I don't see what the difference in that and supermarket meat is. (other than the fact that i know my meat is fresh, and they taste so much better than packaged crap). A bullet to the head is probably just, if not more, humane than butcher practices.

Target practice:
-Recreational shooting IS a valid activity! How else would you explain shooter videogames, and A REAL GUN IS EVEN MORE SATISFYING. No feeling like shooting a quarter sized group from 100 yds. (91.4 metres...)

Frogger said:
Target practice, eh, that actually seems fun, but I'd feel uneasy around people who were there as well, there's just so much trust you could have in people, and anyone could just go whack... And, I wouldn't trust myself with a gun either because I am so docile. I even fear when I'm cutting up my own oranges with a knife, if I was ever going to use a gun, I'd have to have like 1000 practice shots in the bag before I could fire anything confidently. D:

If we wind up in America, (and you so know I'm buying a gun even if I come over there) I'm taking you to a range. One shot is all I ask.