Your Top 5 Improvements you want to see on WiiChat for 2008

Basic on site IM ( Just a thought)

Profile Status Info indicators. - Meaning if you are on a friends list or maybe in sig if you have added a new blog entry or event.

Profile time log, - when was their last log on and off

I'm aware of the hazards but more scripting capability for your home profile page

different profile comment system - like its a text box with a type field, all you do is type the comment and click add. Like a shout out board

Dedicated Image Gallery

Profile "boxes" have a switch option to let it cross the boarder lines

NOTE: im new here so let me know if anything i listed already exists :lol:
I am not sure if we will end up seeing an increase in Avatar and Sig size, at least not anytime soon. I think i0n has some good site additions in mind that are a little more important or will be more worthwhile in the end. Not saying those two aren't good ideas, just saying I think he has some of his own ideas in mind that he will put forth first.
Mods by popular demand, not by who the current mods want.

On a trial basis of course.

+1 for Brawny
Wont happen, sorry. Moderator choices are made in regards to a users activity around the forum. For example, those who have proven to be helpful and have an understanding of the forum rules and regulations shall be looked at. Making someone a mod solely on the basis that they're popular would be a slap in the face to those who have contributed and or helped out a lot around this site. Not saying the popular members don't help out. I'm just saying that there may be more members which may be deserving.
I'd still very much like to see a Sports subforum in say the Entertainment section, or the Lounge. If that can be done I think it would be a great addition.
It's clear that everyone wants more subject area's covered on the forum, plau i got another one, what about an Adult section!

LOL, i'm kidding i like that clan idea though, i remember when i was with my quake clan, maaan i miss those days, if you had a clan area here, this place would be buzzing!
Plus i was wondering do we get anything for introducing new members?
If we're on the subject of sub topics, what about a photo gallery, and or users can have photo albums ? And yes an adult section for as such conversation would be nice.
*Is totally excluded from adult section*


Yeah, about that full notebook page i0n...fancy making some changes:) I mean if you have MODs planned surely contacting them now would be best I mean just shipping power onto someone on brawl release day wouldn't be worth it...Fair enough to having site features take time:)
I'm sure that all will be taken care of shortly.

Off topic:

Captain changed his signature...
there's PLENTY of other places on the net to find adult content, wheather it's cartoons or not...

you hang out here just fine without having to make an exempt forum/thread... then have it moderated?!?
6. Be Appropriate!
There may be places where explicit, obscene or vulgar language, graphics or behavior is appropriate however is not one of them. Discussion forum posts that contain explicit, obscene or vulgar language will be removed. Similarly, discussion forum posts that solicit or offer explicit or X-rated GIFs, JPEGs or similar content files will be deleted without notice!

Just thought I'd throw this in...

An adult section for talk of adult related material wont be happening.
This is a gaming forum, not a multi purpose offspring of *****. So yeah I think we should cancel that idea =/
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Agreed. If people wish to discuss adult related content then I suggest on finding an adult related forum/website. Also, if there was to be an age related section added, others may feel left out and then feel that they too need a section. Which, is only fair.