11-year old college grad says videogames are "a waste of time"


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Feb 7, 2007
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He's a future astrophysicist, a martial artist, a College Degree holder at the age of 11, and he doesn't like video games. Child prodigy Moshe Kai Cavalin graduated with honors from East Los Angeles Community College just last week, and made it known to the world that he thinks video games are "a waste of time."

Before you go attacking the kid, hear what he has to say: "I feel it's a waste of time playing video games because it's not helping humanity in any way." Okay, that is definitely flame-bait material, so I'll just have to remind you guys that he's only 11 years old.

He may be a college graduate at such a tender age, but that doesn't mean he doesn't stand to learn anything new anymore. He's got his whole future ahead of him, and am sure he'll one day find the time to change his mind about his graduation statement - especially with college comfortably tucked out of his way.

Um he's 11, and graduated college? is he some new Doogie Howser or something? And he saisa he doesn't like video games, and they are a waste of time? haha he probably dies on video games right away.

here's the link http://wii.qj.net/11-year-old-college-grad-says-videogames-are-a-waste-of-time-/pg/49/aid/132007
Isn't that the whole point of video games. They are meant to waste time, it's all part of being a leisure activity.
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Isn't that the whole point of video games. They are meant to waste time, it's all part of being a leisure activity.

So true but to each and every person something is a waste of time, its however you look at thin gs.
To me I don't think video games are a waste of time. I think it's just keeps me busy that's all. I don't really mind what the kid say. It's not like he could change the world or something. Besides everyone lives in their own life. One of these days he have to play video games or anything electronic. He has to do something new in his life, right? No one want's to do the same thing every day 'till they die. I for once want to do something new, like posting this message. I feel much better now!:lol:
Try telling people that get paid to make these things that there wasting there life making games (People that work withing EA seem to be doing such a thing every year)
"Hey Bodine, this kid hates video games."

Me: "Shoot him..."

"And he's a pirate."

Me: "...Hang him!"
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Yeah why doesn't this 11-year old Doogie Howser like kid go tell some video game tester "Yo, what you do for a job is a waste of time" and see what they say, they prolly say "this IS what I like to do test video games I get paid to play video games" this 11 yr old has a lot of learning to do, and ha if he graduated he should be smarter, to each his or her own, he should know that.
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If "he thinks these "video games are a waste of time and it isn't helping humanity, is martial arts helping humanity? is Acting helping humanity? is Wars? NO they don't.
11, I give him that but... what have hatred on video games. And its Whatever you like to do. if I meet him i'd tell him "sure it's your opinion but that doesn't make you smart"
its like "whoopeety doo you graduated college so now you think your smarter than everyone"
An 11 year old who has graduated college clearly has no free time, especially given his other listed endevours. Of course he will think video games are a waste of time, he would rather be studying something he considers meaningful and that will help him in his chosen career.

Video games are a leisure activity that should be enjoyed by those who can afford to , yes, waste some time. Not siomething that takes time out of the day when you should be doing your job, homework, chores, etc.

I bet part of it is also overbearing parents who have imposed their own standards upon him from birth.
Wow... What has the world come too... overrun with nerds. Understand I dont mean that offensively to any of you, but nerd being those who think they are superior to others just because of the strength of their mind. It traces back to the old beleif that people who were the strongest were superior. Im not sure what to make of this, but if an 11 year old can graduate college, maybe they dont have the classes hard enough. Just because he graduated so very early does not give him any merit.

If people want to act like he is superior because of that, one could say that everyone older than him is better because they have matured more and have had more experiences.

On that topic, what the hell is the point of going to college at 11? No parties, no girls, no drinking, no nothing. I can guarantee you that kid had no friends. With "superior" intellect like his, im sure nobody would want to hang out with him. Seems like the type of person who was forced by their parents to exceed expectations all their life.

Honestly, I feel sorry for him, because not only has he missed out on all of his childhood experiences, but he has missed out on all teenage life and possibly messed up his entire future. Think about it, he has no experiences to fall back on, no childhood memories, will most likely never get a date because he has lost the oppurtunity to make any childhood friends and connect with people.

This is a true version of a sob story.
I didn't know you could get a degree in astrophysics from a community college.
If "he thinks these "video games are a waste of time and it isn't helping humanity, is martial arts helping humanity? is Acting helping humanity? is Wars? NO they don't.
11, I give him that but... what have hatred on video games. And its Whatever you like to do. if I meet him i'd tell him "sure it's your opinion but that doesn't make you smart"
its like "whoopeety doo you graduated college so now you think your smarter than everyone"
Are grammarz? Clearly grammar aren't.

Generally when someone doesn't quote anyone or provide an arrow in their post they are responding to the OP, but some people don't, so I'll tell you: I was responding to the OP—specifically, the quote that was provided there. Gaming isn't helping improve humanity, and, for all intents and purposes, it is a waste of time. I don't really care how offended or stubborn any of you are. He's right.

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