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Ezekiel86 said:
Thanks Nate, it's nice to know there's still some reasonable people left on this forum! It makes me feel sick to see people blatantly hating a population just for the sake of it, or worse because someone else told them to (I believe Marisa mentioned something along these lines too, so kudos :) ).

The biggest problem is the lack of education and xenophobia (fear of the unknown if i remember correctly). People have been fear instilled into them by the mass media which blinds them of the real humanity of these events.

As Yoda says "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering". Even though Star Wars is fiction that phrase is still completely true, anyone can see that.

If only the general public could be educated about the real causes of these issues instead of having their judgement clouded by religious extremists and constant threats of terrorist attacks while being reminded their presidents regime is the only thing that stands between their "freedom" and a "brutal regime", makes you wonder...

Agreed. I've seen too much racism in recent years, especially against those from the Middle East. And you're right, the problem stems from a lack of understanding on the West's part. Instead of really analysing the situation and why some people are willing to go and blow themselves up, politicians just blame it on "extemists". Why? Because it's easier. This means people just blindly follow them, and then some make a generalisation too far and blame it on an entire race or religion.

You're right about history lessons too. I'm not sure exactly what they're like over in America, but here in Britain we're never taught about other cultures and peoples, just British history (or to be more precise, just English history). And because we never learn about these cultures, we never understand their customs and this just leads to the xenophobia we see all the time. Oh, and Nate's history of music thing would be cool too. :cool:
NateTheGreat said:
Yeah, why don't we have a friggin' Middle East unit in History class? In fact, why is History class so dedicated to just talking about war. Seriously, I know it's very important to know who's fought who and why, but we need more than that. Why not an American or World Music Unit? Music is soooo influential and telling of the times; we could analyze and discuss the ideas the artists were really trying to get across and show how it affected politics.

Sounds like a plan.:D

Music would be a great one to study, because, like you say music is a reflection of contemporary issues in the world (eg: songs about the vietnam war written over 40 years ago which have been immortalised as classics). Music is really a universal language like that.

A Middle East history unit would be nice, but they didn't talk about it much in school during my time there, which is a real shame because it would have been the perfect time to analyse such issues (I was in Year 10 when the World Trade Centre attacks happened) I was also quite upset about it... because instead of morning cartoons they showed continuous loops of the crashes instead! Nah just joking. It's always a sad thing to see innocent people losing their life like that.
All Out said:
^Sadly, you are the one that is brain washed my friend. Take the tin-hat off and crawl from underneath your lead sheets because this is reality. Your little conspiracies will do nothing but hurt this country.

Lol, Alex Jones would run circles around you. It's funny to see you live in your fantasy world, ignorant and blinded. I pitty you.
All Out said:
^Sadly, you are the one that is brain washed my friend. Take the tin-hat off and crawl from underneath your lead sheets because this is reality. Your little conspiracies will do nothing but hurt this country.

People like you hurt the nation of America pal, and make me glad I don't reside in the same country among such narrow-sighted, one-track-minded people like yourself. With an attitude like that you shame the nation of America and cheapen the county's national identity and give Americans a bad name.

Thank god all Americans arent as block-headed as yourself (Nate and Marisa are good examples). Anyone can see that the 9/11 attacks are a terrible thing, but you seem completely oblivious of the reasons behind the attack and the measures that can be taken to ensure a long-term peace solution (and I am not talking about bombing the hell out of women and children in a far off country).

Bill Clinton once said something along the lines of "it is the real job of a president to ensure a long-term peace process when in office, as you have to build bridges of understanding, not walls".

The reasons behind the attacks are many, but it all primarily stems from the American governments funding of Israeli extermination campaigns in the Middle East, in addition to many more. It never ceases to amuse me how the twin towers attacks got so much coverage when +100,000 innocent civillians have been murdered in Iraq as a direct cause from the "Coalition of the Willing" Occupation, as opposed to some 3,000 from the twin towers attacks.

I am not intending to turn this into a battle of the numbers, (we'll leave that to the Sony and Microsoft fanboys, as us Nintendo folk are somewhat more reasonable) but tragedy is tragedy, no matter how many people were killed, but I am just trying to put this all into perspective.
Ezekiel86 said:
People like you hurt the nation of America pal, and make me glad I don't reside in the same country among such narrow-sighted, one-track-minded people like yourself. With an attitude like that you shame the nation of America and cheapen the county's national identity and give Americans a bad name.

Thank god all Americans arent as block-headed as yourself (Nate and Marisa are good examples). Anyone can see that the 9/11 attacks are a terrible thing, but you seem completely oblivious of the reasons behind the attack and the measures that can be taken to ensure a long-term peace solution (and I am not talking about bombing the hell out of women and children in a far off country).

Bill Clinton once said something along the lines of "it is the real job of a president to ensure a long-term peace process when in office, as you have to build bridges of understanding, not walls".

The reasons behind the attacks are many, but it all primarily stems from the American governments funding of Israeli extermination campaigns in the Middle East, in addition to many more. It never ceases to amuse me how the twin towers attacks got so much coverage when +100,000 innocent civillians have been murdered in Iraq as a direct cause from the "Coalition of the Willing" Occupation, as opposed to some 3,000 from the twin towers attacks.

I am not intending to turn this into a battle of the numbers, (we'll leave that to the Sony and Microsoft fanboys, as us Nintendo folk are somewhat more reasonable) but tragedy is tragedy, no matter how many people were killed, but I am just trying to put this all into perspective.

Very, very well said.
Ezekiel86 said:
People like you hurt the nation of America pal, and make me glad I don't reside in the same country among such narrow-sighted, one-track-minded people like yourself. With an attitude like that you shame the nation of America and cheapen the county's national identity and give Americans a bad name.

Thank god all Americans arent as block-headed as yourself (Nate and Marisa are good examples). Anyone can see that the 9/11 attacks are a terrible thing, but you seem completely oblivious of the reasons behind the attack and the measures that can be taken to ensure a long-term peace solution (and I am not talking about bombing the hell out of women and children in a far off country).

Bill Clinton once said something along the lines of "it is the real job of a president to ensure a long-term peace process when in office, as you have to build bridges of understanding, not walls".

The reasons behind the attacks are many, but it all primarily stems from the American governments funding of Israeli extermination campaigns in the Middle East, in addition to many more. It never ceases to amuse me how the twin towers attacks got so much coverage when +100,000 innocent civillians have been murdered in Iraq as a direct cause from the "Coalition of the Willing" Occupation, as opposed to some 3,000 from the twin towers attacks.

I am not intending to turn this into a battle of the numbers, (we'll leave that to the Sony and Microsoft fanboys, as us Nintendo folk are somewhat more reasonable) but tragedy is tragedy, no matter how many people were killed, but I am just trying to put this all into perspective.

So when you beloved Mr. Clinton "accidentally" bombed the Chinese embassy in 1999, that was OK? Are you out of your mind? And quite frankly, YOU DON'T LIVE HERE. America to you is what you see on your media outlets and dodgy movies on youtube. Come live here, experience what this great country offers, then speak all you want. It's funny how people throw numbers around. Sadam was killing thousands of his own people in that country and you are telling e because of our liberation, which helped better protect this country, we did more harm. Keep watching CNN and get back to me when you pull your head out of your ass. This threat is real. If we stop fighting, do you think that everything will disappear and be all joyful? If only the world didn't have hate filled people that would like to see us destroyed. How do you think Mr. Clinton kept these devils at bay for just a bit longer? By negotiating with and supplying them... and what the hell did that do to us in the long run. This argument has been been worn thin and quite frankly I am sick of your kind. I live in one of the greatest countries in the world... enjoy your socialism in Australia... they are honest and all for the people. :lol:
All Out said:
So when you beloved Mr. Clinton "accidentally" bombed the Chinese embassy in 1999, that was OK? Are you out of your mind? And quite frankly, YOU DON'T LIVE HERE. America to you is what you see on your media outlets and dodgy movies on youtube. Come live here, experience what this great country offers, then speak all you want. It's funny how people throw numbers around. Sadam was killing thousands of his own people in that country and you are telling e because of our liberation, which helped better protect this country, we did more harm. Keep watching CNN and get back to me when you pull your head out of your ass. This threat is real. If we stop fighting, do you think that everything will disappear and be all joyful? If only the world didn't have hate filled people that would like to see us destroyed. How do you think Mr. Clinton kept these devils at bay for just a bit longer? By negotiating with and supplying them... and what the hell did that do to us in the long run. This argument has been been worn thin and quite frankly I am sick of your kind. I live in one of the greatest countries in the world... enjoy your socialism in Australia... they are honest and all for the people. :lol:

Oh please, your country (our country) doesn't give a **** about us. You're the one, my friend, brain-washed by the media. A wonderful country? A country of freedom? If your "wonderful" country is a country filled with cheating presidents, cell-phone, fake people, porn, guns, violence, ass-holes, rude people, trendy disobediant children, over-stressed people, and ignorance then you can just have it. That's not the kind of freedom I want. You speak for "freedom", yet you say you hate our "type" and wish we would shut up? Wow, that's some freedom you want.

Freedom is not what you want, you want YOUR freedom. You want everyone to believe what you believe and if they don't they need to be exterminated. I'm sorry, babe, but that is NOT freedom.

Let me explain something to you; America is like the new hip teenager on the block. There are tons of older wise men who live on this block and the teenager comes in with it's young strong body beating the crap out of all the older men (Older countries) just because they don't agree with all their trendy crap. America thinks it's invinsible. It is not. It sickens me how many people around the world die from hate and violence and then 9/11 happens (which was caused by it's own country) and America cries endlessly. I agree, 9/11 was absolutely horrible, but, please, wake up and smell the coffee. Your country is killing it's own people in order to gain power over them. Hitting it's people just hard enough to get control.

Giving up your liberty does not give you freedom! No country should try to win a war that's older then them. America is not the ruler of the world. (Even though it's their goal). You do not have say over ANYBODY! Get over it. If you want freedom, then WE are something you have to deal with.

First Amendment, kiddo. (By which the way, your "beloved" Bush is trashing)
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First off I am not anti american I love the people of america. The quality people. America has great athletes, great musicians and actors. However there is sides to america that are dark and unhappy to think about. Slavery being a major one. This country was built by slaves practicaly. That time was not that long ago, all the hate that was spread so that people could defend the horrible act of slavery. They said that the slaves were property its ok, americans were terrible to slaves. And breed them like animals.
The reason why it went on is because people were told lies basicaly and these lies helped aided them in commiting these horrible acts.
I think today Americans are fed lies, by the people that run this country. There is alot of evidence that seems to point to 911 being done by america. I don't want people to flip out about what im saying. I am not disrespecting that painful day. Nomatter what it was terrble. I am just pointing out there is evidence that suggest different things happed then what we have been told...I think americans are being feed lies, these lies have made so many americans to say crazy things. I hear people saying we need to blow the arab race off the map! I am not an arab im just a 17 year old that wants to get the nintendo Wii, butit really makes me feel bad to hear people say that a race of people needs to be wiped out! There is a documentary that people should watch called loose change, I have watched and I have not yet formed a complete oppinion i am not saying that 911 was done by the U.s I am saying that there is evidence pointing twoards that ideal. I certainly hope it is not true.
~Marisa~ said:
Oh please, your country (our country) doesn't give a **** about us. You're the one, my friend, brain-washed by the media. A wonderful country? A country of freedom? If your "wonderful" country is a country filled with cheating presidents, cell-phone, fake people, porn, guns, violence, ass-holes, rude people, trendy disobediant children, over-stressed people, and ignorance then you can just have it. That's not the kind of freedom I want. You speak for "freedom", yet you say you hate our "type" and wish we would shut up? Wow, that's some freedom you want.

Freedom is not what you want, you want YOUR freedom. You want everyone to believe what you believe and if they don't they need to be exterminated. I'm sorry, babe, but that is NOT freedom.

Let me explain something to you; America is like the new hip teenager on the block. There are tons of older wise men who live on this block and the teenager comes in with it's young strong body beating the crap out of all the older men (Older countries) just because they don't agree with all their trendy crap. America thinks it's invinsible. It is not. It sickens me how many people around the world die from hate and violence and then 9/11 happens (which was caused by it's own country) and America cries endlessly. I agree, 9/11 was absolutely horrible, but, please, wake up and smell the coffee. Your country is killing it's own people in order to gain power over them. Hitting it's people just hard enough to get control.

Giving up your liberty does not give you freedom! No country should try to win a war that's older then them. America is not the ruler of the world. (Even though it's their goal). You do not have say over ANYBODY! Get over it. If you want freedom, then WE are something you have to deal with.

First Amendment, kiddo. (By which the way, your "beloved" Bush is trashing)
wow that hit the nail on the head................america is falling apart by the seams gangs, war, 9/11,bush, man theres a fight like every day at my school (during/after)why all this hatred? why kill people for power? why not setle ower difrances and live in peace? why? i dont get it why all this seinsles violents i dont get it? i feel like braking down and crying WHY.........some times.......................................

""why am i dieing to live if im just living to die?2pac
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Awww, don't cry. I know how you feel, I watched this huge long documentary that was like 8 hours all together and afterward, I was just in so much shock because how much I didn't know until now that I felt like crying.

"Nobody can hurt me without my permission" - Ghandi

He was one of the greatest men ever to live.
~Marisa~ said:
Oh please, your country (our country) doesn't give a **** about us. You're the one, my friend, brain-washed by the media. A wonderful country? A country of freedom? If your "wonderful" country is a country filled with cheating presidents, cell-phone, fake people, porn, guns, violence, ass-holes, rude people, trendy disobediant children, over-stressed people, and ignorance then you can just have it. That's not the kind of freedom I want. You speak for "freedom", yet you say you hate our "type" and wish we would shut up? Wow, that's some freedom you want.

Freedom is not what you want, you want YOUR freedom. You want everyone to believe what you believe and if they don't they need to be exterminated. I'm sorry, babe, but that is NOT freedom.

Let me explain something to you; America is like the new hip teenager on the block. There are tons of older wise men who live on this block and the teenager comes in with it's young strong body beating the crap out of all the older men (Older countries) just because they don't agree with all their trendy crap. America thinks it's invinsible. It is not. It sickens me how many people around the world die from hate and violence and then 9/11 happens (which was caused by it's own country) and America cries endlessly. I agree, 9/11 was absolutely horrible, but, please, wake up and smell the coffee. Your country is killing it's own people in order to gain power over them. Hitting it's people just hard enough to get control.

Giving up your liberty does not give you freedom! No country should try to win a war that's older then them. America is not the ruler of the world. (Even though it's their goal). You do not have say over ANYBODY! Get over it. If you want freedom, then WE are something you have to deal with.

First Amendment, kiddo. (By which the way, your "beloved" Bush is trashing)

First off, that was the dumbest analogy of America I think I have ever heard. I know one thing is for sure, my parents came here from Italy in the 60s, my father is an X-Marine, my Mother is a Branch manager at a bank, my uncles all own construction companies, and I work in Market 1 radio for two of the biggest companies... now you tell me what country this is possible? Don't give me the cynical bullshit, if you work hard, and have half a brain, you can make it somewhere here... if your a lazy bastard and try to depend on someone else, you fall to the bottom with the rest of the crap. Now take off that tin hat, because not everyone is out to get you there, babe. Next your going to talk about UFOs and how you were visited by Aliens. Friggen freak.
All Out said:
First off, that was the dumbest analogy of America I think I have ever heard. I know one thing is for sure, my parents came here from Italy in the 60s, my father is an X-Marine, my Mother is a Branch manager at a bank, my uncles all own construction companies, and I work in Market 1 radio for two of the biggest companies... now you tell me what country this is possible? Don't give me the cynical bullshit, if you work hard, and have half a brain, you can make it somewhere here... if your a lazy bastard and try to depend on someone else, you fall to the bottom with the rest of the crap. Now take off that tin hat, because not everyone is out to get you there, babe. Next your going to talk about UFOs and how you were visited by Aliens. Friggen freak.

Wow, so basically your familie's career is made of war(Father), money(Mother) and crap media(You) No wonder you're a typical American.....
Wow, if that wasn't the most ignorant post I have ever seen. Bravo, way to show your true colors.
All Out said:
Wow, if that wasn't the most ignorant post I have ever seen. Bravo, way to show your true colors.

Hey, buddy, you're one who started the attacking. Don't go around saying "I'm for freedom" and then try to shut us up. That's filtered freedom, dear.
Whatever you say, twists. Here maybe this will make you happy, you've converted me into a conspiracy mongering, psychopathic, cynicism whore. Now let's all live together in misery.
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